So anyway, the plan to visit Dartmoor in a couple of weeks time has been defeated by the British Army. I should have looked at the bloody firing schedule first.
Then I thought, I'll go in November!
Then I thought, bugger that pour un jeu des soldats. Dartmoor? In November? It'll be dark!
So I've replanned stuff. Depending on the 2010 firing schedule, I'm now planning to go in June or July 2010. And in the other June and July 2010, the one where there's a month when I don't go to Dartmoor, I'll nick off to Brecon or somewhere very similar for a week.
Which leaves the problem of what to do with my empty week in September.
You could decorate the dining room, I hear you say. Or at least I hear a voice in the distance, possibly the wilderness.... maybe the kitchen.... No no no! I have to make the best of this glorious summer weather wot they're having somewhere else other than wherever I am...
Section 16 calls. This is not part of the Mental Health act, oh no! It is, in fact, part of Scotland. The bit of Scotland, in fact with the Ochils and Fife and those little hills on the right as you come out of Glasgow up by Loch Lomond. A neglected area for me. So Section 16 it is, then. Five days of relaxed Marilyn bagging. I'll find a campsite in the middle somewhere - probably near Perth, I shouldn't wonder. I'll do some sleeping and read a book. And I'll kill a bottle of Old Lochaber in the process. It'll be fab, and its only just up the road.
And, whilst we're planning things for 2010 - I've had a hankering for a while to walk up the middle of the Isle of Man. So I'm considering this for a pre-TGO Challenge practise wander in April 2010.
Its always good to have a plan B.
For those who offerred help and suggestions for the September Dartmoor trip - I will be in touch. But not just yet. I'm really very grateful, but it just wasn't meant to be. I should have gone last month instead of wherever it was that I went....
Where did I go? Did I enjoy it? Have I returned? Which bits of equipment did I lose on the way?
And have I any physical or mental damage from the experience?
Hopefully we'll get another long, hot summer in 2010 just like this one (koff!)
Sorry about this rambling post, it's just that I'm supposed to be on a bat walk with Darren, but it's chucking it down in Co Durham and we thought the bats might not come out in the rain, so we didn't go.... Y'see - this is my point about making plans....
No problem with getting in touch later
But are you sure the firing schedule really snarls things up that badly?
If you swing things around a weekend the ranges are usually open. Failing that its rare they close all 3 at once, so more a case of jiggering the route to fit the openings
Yes, 'fraid so, John - the particular bit of Dartmoor I wanted to go on is being shot at when I want to go there and the only way around it is to shuffle my trip back a few days. Unfortunately, I've committed to a few things, including some things for the County Council, so I can't shift the dates of the trip. Its all a bit tight just then.
So its a bugger.
But it won't go away... (although I might!)
That's the trouble with plans. I'm sitting here blogging instead of out there walking the last 10 miles of my weekend plan. But the other 32 miles were crackers - you can read all about it - soon.... Anyway feels like time for a brew.
I recognise that picture of you from somewhere ;)
Ah, yes, Tony - that'd be your Marsden to Edale (was it?) walk
Were you done over by the weather?
I really ought to acknowledge photos.... this one was, of course, by your good self at Gelder Shiels... and that'll be hot chocolate in the cup.
No, I can't really blame the weather. I abandoned at Hope (after 32 miles) and got the bus home - but now I've told you the ending you'll have to wait for the blog to find out why.....
I did get the germ of an idea for another high level walk: Lose Hill to Win Hill via Kinder Scout, if you fancy a day out some time.
I'll look forward to the tale in the blog.
The Lose Hill- Win Hill walk is probably a classic.
I wouldn't mind having a go at that one.
Superdawg would enjoy that one too...
Ochils and Perth...that's my home turf usually kept for my winter walks.
Hopefully we'll get a chance to meet up then Mike.
I meant Section 26, obviously, not 16, which is much further North.
Target hills are: Meikle Bin, Stronend, Innerdoununy Hill, Careleatheran,Benarty, Bishop Hill,Lendrick Hill, Steeles Knowe, Dumglow.
I'll be putting up the tent/temporary kennel on 16 Sept - noit decided on a campsite.
It would be great to have a meet-up and a walk - we should do emails about it shortly.
map shopping tommorrow...
Meikle Bin is my local hill..been up a few times now. Here's a link
well it would be if I knew how to make it one (lol)!
Copy and paste seems to do it. I quite like the idea of a view with minimal effort .... although there are other tops to do in the same hills which could turn the walk into a bit of an epic.
Must pick a campsite - the one at Thornhill looks strategically close ..to..a ...pub......
If you're thinking of Thornhill the nearby Menteith Hills between the Lake of Menteith and Loch Venachar (west of Callander) are worth a visit. 2 Marilyns
Here are another couple of "links"
Ah, yes - So I see- two marilyns indeed, and right on the doorstep.
I'll put them on the list.
"marilyns" ??? There hills Mike :) Anyway what is wrong with the dark nights in November? Watch the stars in the sky and take a wood burning stove for a warm fire in the evening to fend of the chill of the night. The army has to train bless em. Me and Alan Sloman did find it amusing when they asked if we were civilians or the enemy on Dartmoor?. Our trekking poles must have confused them I reckon. Don't forget the long dark nights means you have more time to enjoy a wee dram in the tent.
Actually, Martin, I think one of life's greatest pleasures is spending a long dark blustery night snuggled into a rtent with a book and some music and, of course, a dram. Notice, I said nothing about the dram being "wee".
It eventually knocks you out anyway...
"We only want what's best for him...."
Just catching up and liked the title of this post.
Hard to believe now that anyone ever had 'a future in British Steel'.
For some reason the song remknds me of Huddersfield.
songs do that, though, sometimes....
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