In order to try to conserve cash for important stuff like backpacking, beer, petrol, beer and beer, I decided to start baking my own walking confectionary again.
This mainly consists of mincemeat buns – a bit like small Christmas cakes, I suppose, flapjack and the occasional ginger cake.
This time I made a dozen very manly-looking mincemeat buns and some flapjack.
I decided to coat the flapjack in chocolate, just by way of a change and, as there was a small amount of icing left from Mrs K’s celebratory cake making the other week – I thought I’d try to inscribe the thing with a motto or logo.
I was going to write the name of a famous footy team, but ran out of both icing and flapjack.
Anyway, the pick shows the result.
If I can get my Everton out of bed in the morning, I’ll take some of the cakes with me.
This mainly consists of mincemeat buns – a bit like small Christmas cakes, I suppose, flapjack and the occasional ginger cake.
This time I made a dozen very manly-looking mincemeat buns and some flapjack.
I decided to coat the flapjack in chocolate, just by way of a change and, as there was a small amount of icing left from Mrs K’s celebratory cake making the other week – I thought I’d try to inscribe the thing with a motto or logo.
I was going to write the name of a famous footy team, but ran out of both icing and flapjack.
Anyway, the pick shows the result.
If I can get my Everton out of bed in the morning, I’ll take some of the cakes with me.
Yes, I know, I know....