I received this email just now:
From Miss Rita Damian
Abidjan,Cote d'ivoire
West Africa
Dear,In confidence,I have to introduce myself for I am Miss Rita Damian, the only child of late Chief George Damian, I wish to request for your assistance in my efforts to procure the transfer of my inherited funds for investment ventures Overseas.
I have Seven Million Dollars ($7,000,000.00) here in my name with one of the prime banks here and I will require your assistance in receiving the transfer of the funds in your local account for investment purposes. As it is my desire to come over to your country to further my education while you take care of the investment of the money.I will be glad to give you 15% of the total sum for your co-operation.
I will be very appreciative if you can return to me with urgent dispatch to enable me advise you on the modalities.
I await in anticipation to receive your immediate response.
My Kind Regards!
Miss Rita Damian
Abidjan,Cote d'ivoire
West Africa
Dear,In confidence,I have to introduce myself for I am Miss Rita Damian, the only child of late Chief George Damian, I wish to request for your assistance in my efforts to procure the transfer of my inherited funds for investment ventures Overseas.
I have Seven Million Dollars ($7,000,000.00) here in my name with one of the prime banks here and I will require your assistance in receiving the transfer of the funds in your local account for investment purposes. As it is my desire to come over to your country to further my education while you take care of the investment of the money.I will be glad to give you 15% of the total sum for your co-operation.
I will be very appreciative if you can return to me with urgent dispatch to enable me advise you on the modalities.
I await in anticipation to receive your immediate response.
My Kind Regards!
Miss Rita Damian
I haven't had one of these for a while. you sort of miss 'em, in a similar kind of way to pining for a power cut.
Ah , bless 'er. She's got no chance (If it is a she, that is....)
Irrelevant pic attached.
15% of nothing works out at roughly nothing........
Snow in the Ivory Coast, eh? She's got a pooch just like yours, Mike!
It was the snow that made me a bit suspicious, Alan/James... You don't think this is one of those "interweb scrams", do you?
They'll pay money into my bank account if I provide the account number, sort code and all my passwords and pin numbers.
So, its got to be one of those charity things...? Surely....?
Pass it on to the Police who will do nothing and she is most likely him and that is that. I would write a rant about my view of these people but it would be @;%& and the like. Not fitting for such a fine blog.
You can swear on the blog, Martin, as long as its inventive or the suggestions are physically difficult or otherwise intruiging.
Nothing involving disrespect of Kylie is allowed, though.
modalities: The ceremonial forms, protocols, or conditions that surround formal agreements or negotiations
An anatomically tricky and sometimes painful procedure whereby the offeror is requested to place his wonderfully generous and irresistable offer into a suitably concealed orifice by the offeree. This procedure may include swearing, very often inventive.
Crikey, Tykelad. I trust that the scammer (and I use the word "trust" ironically as a kind of pun or jape) is using the first definition. I wouldn't want to get involved in anything insertive with this lass. Not with all that snow around, anyway.
Crikey, Tykelad. I trust that the scammer (and I use the word "trust" ironically as a kind of pun or jape) is using the first definition. I wouldn't want to get involved in anything insertive with this lass. Not with all that snow around, anyway.
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