Just before I launch into an exposition of whatever it was that happened on my recent visit to fatdogland, I'd just like to say that in the wee small hours of 18 September, another wee Knipe was added to the inventory of wee Knipes. Thomas emerged in Nottingham at 2:30 am and probably weighed something - look, I have no idea how much he weighed or any of the other details, apart from the fact that he's called "Thomas". This will be interesting when they visit Chez Crook Knipes since next door's cat is also called Thomas and superdawg goes mental at the window whenever the name is mentioned, whether or not there's a cat there.
As I don't have any baby pics, I thought I'd ceklebrate by publishing this Irish pie shop sign that Charlie sent me a while back.
Anyway, its another Grandson. That makes three.
I've been waiting for an excuse to use the pie shop sign pic for a while....
Campsies and Ochils follow after this break.....
Congratulations :)
Aw ta Shirley.
Its the light that attracts them y'know...
Baby Tommy was 7lb 11oz by the way
Congratulations Mike :) . Do you think that's the final total or do you expect more of the same (lol).
Seven pounds eleven ounces? Is that a lot?
I suspect that, as in the world of championship onion growing - thats shallot... arf arf (from this particular source)
I suppose you could win a trophy at one of those agricultural fairs for a 7lb 11oz onion.
Congratulations Mike altho thats another bike to budget for.
BTW my eldest was 7-11 and born on the 7th of the 11th at 7.11am (sorry i made that last bit up he was born at quarter to eight)
Its a small world, Karl. Unless you're a (nearly) 8 pound baby.
Seems a lot to me. Thats 2 and a half akto's...
I think there are some fishermen down in Tweed that would gladly take a 7 lb 11 oz salmon this season....Congrats on your new alevin.
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