yes, folks, here it is at long last, see it over at ww.doodlecat.com/tgo/MKnipe2009/intro.html
The 2009 TGO Challenge Report.
All those who have been holding their breath waiting for this will have had their wills read by now...
Phil (Lord Elpus) Lambert at Whiplash Hall has triumphed once again and turned a set of competely inane ramblings into a neat and tidy set of completely inane ramblings.
Just about to post off my application for the 2010 TGO Chally - the envelope has had it's stamp on and been sitting on the mantelpiece for several days now.
But what route shall I attempt? Shall I turn on my GPS this year? And will I ever learn to pack the inner of the akto seperate from the outer when the outer is wet through and the inner isn't.
Excellent report. That about sums it up, though I'm sure I remember more rain on mine and Steve's route than just the incessant bucket loads you speak of ;). I don't think I've ever been ubiquitous before. I shall try and work on that - could be useful.
Great stuff Mike, and brief as well. I must study the technique!
I couldn;lt spell incessant, Tony, which is why I didn;t use the word. I'm a bit surprised that I used "ubiquitous", actually.
Andy - You should have seen the first draft.... enormous....more words than The Bible, War and Peace and Lord of the Rings.
I slashed it brutally. It was somewhat improved, I thought.
Damn you mike. I am off work with the flu at the moment and after reading your post I spent most of the day and evening looking at possible routes for next year. I even had challenge dreams. Trying to find ways of joining up the sections I really want to do. Staring at the computer is not helping my headache!
James - Road map with relief on it and a pencil with a rubber on the end - just join up the dots.
Sorry to hear about your flu, but at least you won't have it when its dark and cold and miserable (next July!)
Great trip report Mike. It's always fun to read about your exploits. What did the dog do for 2 weeks without you?
Philip - The dog's other hobby (apart from eating and cocking his leg on things) - is sleeping.
I suspect that this is mainly what he did.
Well done Mike - an excellent report, perhaps your last, as all this bragging about automatic entry is leading to rumours of a Hit Squad (aka Heather and the Hit Man).
Take Care!
The Hit Man and Her? Bragging? Moi? I'm already smug from all this walking I'm able to do via the magic of Intelligent Life Planning.
Prolly get knocked down by a fish lorry on the A9....
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