It was time for a jaunt down to the badlands of Halifax, so, on the way, me and the dog bagged Steeton Moor. Given the fact that I lived within a couple of miles of Steeton Moor and drove past it on my way to work each day for a couple of years it’s hard to know why I’d never been there before. Steeton Moor is on the high road between Crosshills/Sutton and Keighley and is part on an ancient Knipe commuting route to Bradford and Halifax. I forgot the camera which was still in the car… dhuhh..
And then we were in Halifax. So, the next day me and LTD bagged Gallows Pole Hill which is the least interesting bit of Norland Moor, Pike Law, an ex-quarry, now filled in, and Turner Wood Hill, a steep little lump of tussock and crag in the outer suburbs of Ripponded. We did no more than 4 miles in all. I forgot the camera which was now on the table in High Road Well…. dhuhh again. Some pics were taken on my phone, though.
Halifax is a lumpy, Victorian industrial town and is, many will not know, the hometown of Mrs Pieman. Indeed. the very street where she first lived is in the first picture on this blogpost. Note that it has a fine view of Calderdale , including, the Very Lovely Norland Moor.
Lots of motorway miles followed for a visit to Long Eaton, where yet more Knipes have a small motte and bailey fortress overlooking the ancient village of Nottingham. We went to the pub for lunch. On the way, I was let out of the car for the bagging of No Man’s Lane. Unfortunately, the camera was still in Halifax. So there are no pics of the Hermit’s Cave wot we visited after lunch.
Back to Halifax, then and , yesterday, home via the Very Lovely Baildon Moor. Baildon Moor looms unthreateningly above Baildon, Shipley and Bradford and is a popular spot for walking dogs. So I walked the dog. I remembered the camera this time and celebrated this event with a chicken and leek pie and chips at Dick Hudson’s pub, which isn’t too far away. Mrs P had the sausage and mash. LTD waited in the car since they’ve added the word “Country”, as in “Country Inn” to the title of Dick Hudson’s and now, as well as adding a premium percentage to their prices for the use of the word “Country” they don’t let scruffy mongrels in unless they have a beard, a wayward hairdo and a fully charged debit or credit card.
Not many miles done, but six Tumps bagged, which, for me, is good.
Lots of running about indeed Mike! Fascinating though and, by the looks of, no adverse weather.
All the best women come from Yorkshire, or at least that's what Little Brenda says!(Made in Treeton, South Yorkshire, but we don't say in which year).
And in a former life I used to live in Calderdale, on the moors above Todmorden, and know Norland Moor well. Happy Valley country...... (if you understand the reference.......)
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