
Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Christmas (koff) (snuffle) Walks… (blerghh)

steps up the steep bit - by R Wear

Well that sorta wraps it up for 2014  and I seem to have revealed my plans for 2015 already

Its been quiet on the pieblog, not because I haven’t been walking anywhere but more that I just couldn;t be arsed writing anything  I’ve been really  busy playing with my Christmas prezzies (several bottles of Grannie’s Heeelan’ Hame)

But just to bring you up to date before I start a new jar of Vick’s Vapour Rub (yes folks, we really do know how to enjoy ourselves at Pietowers) and, maybe a sip of Ben-y-llyn (nice touch, that – naming a cough tincture after a small tarn in Snowdonia). 

narrow path by the wear

weardale river and rail 002

We did the Weardale Riverside and Railway walk, me and Compulsory Dave, Auntie Sheila and about 20 or so others, including a Very Small Dog. This was all very nice and it was sunny too although we did manage to lose about 25% of the procession in Willington City Centre (must be the complex one-way system). And, of course, me and the Pooch did a reccy a few days before, without losing either of us.

jo points something out...

And then there was the Wednesday walkers walk on Wednesday…or was it Saturday – I’m losing track due to all this Ben-y-Llyn and Grannies Heelan wotsit….   Anyroadup, this was lead by Jo for another 9 of us, including me, and two dogs, including Lucky.

This was mainly really cold and dry too, although it did have a pretty feeble attempt at snowing at the end whilst large parts of the rest of England had been plastered by the white stuff.

..back over the moors

Jo’s walk was from Blanchland over the moors to Devils Water and back over the moors a different way to Blanchland. It seems quite a long time since I’ve been to Devils Water, so it was quite nice to return there.

weardale river and rail 005

Other plans have been stymied somewhat by the fact that somebody donated a snotty cold and raspy cough – these may well have included an overnight up the top end of Weardale and a final bagging tick involving Hope Fell, back on the Northumberland Moors.  I have one day of 2015 left and so the question remains – will I go and bag Hope Fell tomorrow before it starts raining, or shall I go on the Wednesday Walkers 5.5 mile trundle at Tudhoe. I suspect the Tudhoe walk might be more fun…but a tick would be nice. Or shall I just stay in and cough at the dog?


Anonymous said...

If you've only got one day of 2015 left, Mike, you're a year ahead of the rest of us. Didn't know Vicks had time travelling properties....

Dawn said...

Hope you are on the mend soon Mike.

Chrissie said...

One day of 2015 left? Am I in a time warp?

Mike Knipe said...

OK cleverdix - my watch is fast, OK?

Dawn - Thanks (don't mention the time travel!)

Caz.P. said...

Hi, here I am ...jumped across from Ilona's page. Dear me, think you should stay in front of that fire with Lucky (he should be so) and your Grannie wotsits.
B.t.w. my husband says that koff in urban slang is short for f..koff. Ooer didn't know that,did you? I prefer your version and meaning, ha ha.
Get better soon,and a Happy New Year. Thanks for makin mi laff!

AlanR said...

Rub some Vic on the soles of your feet behind the toes and get out there.
Sounds daft but it does seem to stem a bad chesty cough for some reason. Maybe something to do with Reflexology.

No i havn’t had a drink yet.

Dawn said...

An old remedy for colds and lurgy was a hot mustard bath. As hot as one can manage and with loads of mustard powder added. Apparently it opens up the pores and sweats the lurgy out???

Andrew & Little Brenda said...

Mike, do you take Xmas bookings at Knipe Towers? A small room in the east wing would suffice, assuming we can have access to that lovely fire in one of your drawing rooms? Hope you are feeling better soon, perhaps a little whisky, for medicinal purposes would be in order. Happy New Year, Andrew & Little Brenda

Mike Knipe said...

Caz - Koff --- really ---- ooo bugga.. I use it to denote that I don't really believe what I'm saying! Happy New Year anyway!
Alan - I went for a walk and it was "refreshing". Did the trick for a while although me little legs are heavy..
Dawn - Where am I going to get half a pound of dried mustard at this time of night?!
Andrew and Petite Brenda - we'd have to move out the wife's "cousin" from the East wing. Bit of a job that - the locks on his chains are quite rusty and he gets pretty grumpy about being moved. he's eaten two of the guards this week alone...