I have a guided walk planned for March next year which goes up the path from Holwick and back to Bowlees on the Pennine Way and, as I’ve not done this route since Bruno were a pup (in fact, I believe it was his first walk) – I thought it best to go and have a look.
So the pictures on this blogpost are Wot I Saw On My Walk. As you can see from the introductory pic, which is of the fell Dyke, an ancient and fairly wiggly dry stone wall, it was a bit murky.
Bruno’s not keen on crossing the Wynch Bridge, remembering the accident he had in a previous life when he was off on a haymaking job and the chain broke and he drowned. Its more robust nowadays, I tell him, so he looks around pretending to be brave about it. After the pic, he crawls across to the other side…
Like wot I said, it was murky. Here’s a bit of a moraine. Bruno remembers this from a previous life too, apparently. Around here , we saw six or seven cock blackcocks and a couple of black hens in a group. Some of them went up a tree. others just flew off. the picture I took only shows some black dots in a field. I’m not David Attenborough y’know…
Holwick Scar with a juniper hanging on to the crag. Bruno remembers when the juniper first arrived. So he says…
As you can plainly see, there’s a little bit of a dusting of fresh snow on the Green Trod. I expect it was a bit sloppy.
Bruno claims to remember a time when I was much more generous about sharing my Gala pie and is attempting his trick of willing this lump of porkanegg into his greedy face, even with the clingfilm still on it. After the incident with the Taylor’s pork pie the other day, he’s getting bugger all apart from the crumbs on the grass. Readers will be relieved to know that I removed the clingfilm before scoffing this pie. I also had two pickles in a plastic bag. Nom. Nom.
This is the view from the top of High Force, just before you plummet to an exciting but quite cold death.
Nearly back to the start. We both think the leaves are quite pretty. Bruno has forgotten to sulk about the pie, probably because the pastry suddenly fell off as I was distracted for a sec… and..er…..
Bruno crosses Wynch bridge again. Note that his tail is UP. This means that he’s not bothered about the drop beneath his paws any more.
The walk is 7 [koff…] as you were… 8 miles. here’s a map. Its quite easy, really. The beck crossings are deeper than I would have liked.
Some nice walking there Mike, love the photos. Sounds as if Bruno is slightly in the doghouse!
High Force looking good as always, and your first photo is very artistic. How come? And I think you're mean teasing Bruno with pork pie. ;-)
Bruno's always in the doghouse, Dawn, it's his place!
Dittzy - Every now and then I get an artistic idea. I thought it was a bit fuzzy... Serves the dog right, though - he nicked my pork pie the other day...
Now there's a walk I haven't done.
Dixie doesn't like air beneath her paws. Hates bridges you can see through.
Eeee, I don't believe it, Chrissie - a walk you've not (yet) done!?
Bruno doesn't like to see a view beneath his paws. this bridge isn't so bad, but it's wobbly if there's a huming bean on it.
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