Superdawg was highly suspicious this morning that something was different but couldn't quite put his paw on it...
Its nice to see a bit of snow, but I suppose it won't last till my next walk... ho and hum...
Anyway, Ive just spent the evening drawing a TGO Challenge route on to some 1:50k maps and counting ascent and stuff like that. And I've transposed the route on to a route sheet. I'll put this into an electronic version sometime next week and get it emailed off to Roger.
One of the maps - sheet 42 has just 1.4 kilometres of my route on it. Maybe I won't take sheet 42....
I plan to print my maps and sections I need this time. Save a few grams as well.
Still trying to decide were to start.
I'd have to buy a much better printer to print off bits of maps big enough to allow me to be flexible (aka indecisive...) I often implement big alterations to my route for one reason or another, so having the full thing is a good move for me, though it is a bit heavy.
I post them home when Ive finished with them, though.
Nice photo of Bruno's back end there Dad. That's one for the family pictures wall!
Its his best side. I'm considering cropping it a bit tighter.
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