Oh bugger, I’ve done it now. This was the ever-so-slight sinking feeling when this morning I signed up for a world record attempt at the most people to go skinny-dipping in one place at one time.
This ever-so-slightly lunatic escapade will happen at dawn on 22 September 2013 at Druridge Bay in Northumberland and lots of people (hopefully anyway, I wouldn’t want to do this by myself) will be doffing off and running screaming (probably) into the North Sea, not the world’s warmest bit of briney.
Its for chariddee (don’t normally like to talk about it) – in this case, the spondoolies will be shared 50/50 between Mind and the National Trust
There’s some links here:
Local national Trust article
skinny dip facebook page
and , for those who would like to give me money to take all my clothes off and run shivering into the sea
pieman's sponsorship page
and for those who would like to give me lots of money to keep my clothes on.
its the same page, innit?
‘Course, the worst bit is having to tell people. I am braced, braced, I say, for a bit of a ribbing. Gwan, do yer worst. Its a fiver on the sponsorship page for every jape, crack or attempt at nudie banter.
Comments involving double-entendre will require twice as much.
Think of it as a kind of swear box.
Incidentally, if you want a line of double entendre, ask JJ and he’ll give you one.
Lets just hope that its not like this:
u no it's cold......
I will do my Reggie Perrin impression but I certainly won't be taking a broken kayak with me....
Duly done
Thanks Dawn
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