The “silver darlings” refers not to the effete softies from over the Pennines who engaged in this jaunt, but to the silvery-hued shoals of herring who, all smoked and dried were packed into baskets and carried by fishwives across the moors from Dunbar to Lauder for sale to the farmers and good people of Lauderdale as part of their winter food supply. Strictly speaking, I suppose you could say that we went kipperless and in the wrong direction and only 25% female – except that people going West to East would, of course, be kipperless having sold all of their kippers.
Apparently, some Lauderdale locals were so desperate to get their hands on a nice smoked herring, that they went and collected their own from the port at Dunbar. And later, demand for herring became so high that carts were used and the road became braided into several different routes and the one that remains is just that – one of several.
And so it came to pass that Me, Judith, JJ and Alan met up in the distinctly unfishy Thirlstane castle campsite at Lauder, erected our tabernacles in the shade of some forestry and went off to raid the Toun for scoff and beer, returning, reasonably soused a bit later to find frozen tents which didn’t thaw out till well after breakfast. (Brekkies supplied by the cafe at the leisure centre and very nice it was too…)
We were supposed to be following Girthgate and the Lothian Edge to Dunbar, but mutiny from whingeing troops seemed to indicate that this was considered Too Hard and a Plan B was to be pulled out of the Plans drawer. In 2007 ish , on a previous pre-TGO training walk, me and Becky had walked the Herring Road which is a day shorter than the totally kippered Plan A, and so this was to be our walk. According to the sign in Lauder, it’s 28 miles. I think it’s probably 29, but never mind. There’s definitely something fishy about the distances on the many Rights of Way signposts.
And so, devilishly early in the blindingly sunny morning, around lunchtime, we set off in a general Easterly/North-Easterly direction past the manorial pile of Thirlstane castle and on up into the sporadic snows of the Lammermuir Hills. Magnificent views of the Cairngorm-like lumps of the Cheviots were had. The snow was deep and soft in places and we were lucky to have Alan in the front, charging off making boot-sized holes in the snow ideal for the team to follow.
We lunched briefly by the bridge over the Lythe Water (cracking camping spot, but too near to Lauder to be useful). Here, pies were served by JJ.
The was now much deep and soft snow to be battered through and once again, Alan didn’t seem to notice it. I followed, gratefully. We ploughed on , up to the moor tops and along to Twin Law. Here, there was a notebook in a tin and some sweeties. JJ wrote something in the book and I ate the sweeties…
Not too long later, we joined a new road, complete with wind farm construction traffic and found a slightly bumpy and/or soggy area of gently tilted tussocks around Twinlaw Ford across the Watch Water, which was full with snowmelt, but still clear and clean.
A cold night followed during which one of my socks froze and a large quantity of my whisky supply mysteriously disappeared. Bla Band provided the menu.
Then it was morning – a grey a mizzly one. We rejoined the road, going astray a bit after missing a turnoff hidden under snow. the fact that the road wasn’t marked on the map didn’t help much. But it was just a short and temporary misplacement and , after crossing the Dye Water we were back on track. My impression was that there was a bit more snow here and it was deeper and softer… Alan soldiered on in front… and soon we’d crossed the 400 metre ridge and were brewing up by the Kilpallet Burn.
WE only had 8 miles to do that day, so, by half two-ish we were camped by the Writerspath Burn on the lower slopes of Spartleton, surrounded by electricity pylons on one side and a dangerously loaded snowslope on the other (I found a small avalanche had happened just by the path whilst attending to a visit from Mr Bladder. Me and Becky had camped in the now soggy and ruinous sheepfold by the same burn six years earlier.
The night was less cold, but it snowed in the early hours and the early morning scene was desolate. We had eleven miles left to Dunbar and soon, after yet another snowy plod, we were navigationally tangled in the Chrystal Rigg wind farm – some 80 turbines and service roads built helpfully on a peat bog. None of the roads appeared on my map, nor on Alan’s GPS thingy. And the forestry marked on our maps had been felled and shifted away. Some guesswork was employed and, after further snowy struggles, we emerged over the brow of a hill to a view of the Firth of Forth and the far Lomond hills – a jewel of a view.
The likeness of this walk to a TGO Challenge lies in the final few miles of lane walking – firstly on quiet and deserted roads, then a commuter village and finally the A1 roundabout and estates and street of Dunbar.
We noshed in the Cafe Central , collected the knipemobile and some keys and repaired to our bothy for the night. I won’t say exactly where this is, since the opportunity to use it will probably never arise again and it would only make you seethe with jealousy and frustration for you to pine for the luxuries of a coal fire, central heating, electric lighting and cooking, hot showers, en-suite and soft beds – and a strange stick that made rain noises…. And it was free. We left it as we found it, apart from the extra bottles in the recycling….
But what of the Herring Road? Its a fine moorland route with a history. Fit and determined walkers would do it in a day. Fairly fit hikers would do it in two days, except that there’s no accommodation on the route, so you’d have to camp – and the camping spots are unevenly spaced. A high camp on Twin law in summer could be nice, although you’d have to carry water for a fair distance. But the windfarms….. Bits of the landscape have been permanently altered and, frankly, wrecked. Somebody should be ashamed about this.
But we like Dunbar and we like Lauder. The people are friendly and there’s food and drink to be had…
I might do Plan A later in the year….
Other blog posts about this are here:
Judith’s Tales of Herring-Do
Alan’s lauder to dunbar herring road part 1 lauder to dunbar part 2
John’s JJ's Kippery
Hi Mike,
Mostly my long distance walking trips have been in snowy regions of Europe. I don't find breaking ground too arduous although distances seem to take their toll more.
I certainly wouldn't like to do that route in one day. It could be done on 2 if you really wanted to.
I wouldn't mind doing route A at some point in the future.
Bloomin' Eck!
April! It looks more like February. Are you sure we haven't got the dates wrong?
I did once do some of that route during a walking festival - but there was no snow or turbines. Sorry I missed out on the trip - but only a bit.....see you in Montrose...
Ah, so that's where we went! Two days would have been do-able but I enjoyed my afternoon kipper, er kip, on the shortest day and it was nice not to be under the pressure of time.
Thanks for organising the walk.
Looks quite amazing Mike. Well done
Hmm, those pies were good - we should have (should of?) called for a re-supply on the return journey!
'Twas a cracking little trip, highly enjoyable, thanks all!
Good organizing skills Mike, a well s-kippered trip!!!
I'm now worried about my lack of snow training. Sorry to have missed it, a bit.
I'm starting to see a bit of a pattern in these March training trips ot yours. This sounds a bit like Peeb-Moffling in 2010 (but with far more wind thingies).
So can this fishy route be done on a mtn bike do you think?
Not heard of the Herring Route before - looks excellent. I like a bit of history on a walk.
That cracking camping spot by Lythe Water, which was too near to Lauder to be useful, is indeed a cracking camping spot, and for us in 2011 it wasn't too close to Lauder, as we'd started somewhere else (I seem to think that we'd started in Melrose, because I remember eating a pie just beyond Lauder and I also recall buying pies in Melrose...).
Don't understand the big panic about the wind farms. the landscape isn't natural in any sense. But maybe you'd prefer to have a huge oil refinery on your door step. I do where I live. Funny thing is people who see it get in a panic about it too as they drive past it.... Thankfully in Scotland we're not averse to change in the way that seems to be so common in England where everyone is required to engage in the pretence that it's 1885.
Interesting to see you posted anonymously.
You've certainly excelled yourself with your comment; Ignorance and Neanderthal Scottish anti English jibes all rolled into one.
Of course, you get loads of oil tankers docked on the harbours on top of the hills you ignorant Scottish Prick.
Mike - Feel free to remove this comment if you don't want it published.
Silly Mr Anonymous The Troll.
Alan - I'm getting all kinds of silly comments at the moment - specially ones from somebody calling themselves "HD wallpapers". He's clearly trolling.
I was going to remind him about the on-going friction between Orangeman/Protestants and Papists which pre-dates 1885.
But then I decided not to.
His neighbouring oil-refinery seems to have a bit of a shaky future too, eh? But he's Scottish and, therefore, enjoys change. So that should be fun, then.
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