Sunday 5 September 2010

Ettrick Camping Before During and After






Number of child/stream incidents involving partial or complete changes of outfit:  4 (shoes still not dry)

Number of times the naughty step in the car was used: 5

Time taken to settle to sleep:  93 minutes including one incidence of incontinence.

Number of tomatoes scoffed by sprog #2 : 5 (seems to like tomatoes)

Number of times sprogs disappeared from sight causing rising feelings of panic: 2

Number of squirrels spotted: 1

Midge bites: 47

Cuts: 2

Bruises: 3

Emotional trauma: 6

Contact with chicken poxed toddler: 0 (but close)

Thanks must go to Aunty Becky and Uncle Morgy for their timely arrival, distracting the toddlers, fierce discipline (That’ll be Becky)  and supply of a couple of calming beers.

ettrick water

The Honey Cottage campsite at Ettrick is a beautiful spot surrounded by specially cracking countryside. I may go there with just superdawg for a few days next summer.  It’ll be fab.


now is the winter of our discontent


  1. LOL great post Mike. Very fuuny.

  2. As I said before - it was brilliant!
    About the ads - it's the one for adult sized baby pants that worries me......

  3. Cheers Masey - I'm keeping up with your TGO report too by the way...

    Really Laura? oooer....

    On my version, there's ads for holiday cottages in Selkirk.

    Odd address, that one...

  4. Ha ha, Mike. You've just reminded me why I never had any sproggs, but I bet you luv em to bits really.

  5. Thanks Llona - I like to be of help.
    Our house is like a library now....

  6. LOL! Thanks for this post. I've just returned home from a day walk with my three kids, and this was just what was needed to cheer me up!

    I found your blog only today, it's a nice blog you have!

  7. A day walk with three sprogs !?- a brave soul, a brave, brave soul.....
    Thanks for the comment Maria. I seem to have recovered now.

    Apart from the flashbacks...


If your comment has any external links at all it won't be published.... just sayin'