Tuesday 7 September 2010

Meet Boris

I was innocently checking my emails this morning when this chap ran past.
boris 001
Here he is hiding in the dusty bits behind some books.
He left quickly shortly afterwards.
he’s hiding somewhere now. Waiting to jump out, I shouldn’t wonder.
Big bugger eh?


  1. Euw!
    I needed warning of that.
    If I have nightmares tonight, it's his fault!

  2. A magnificent beast.
    I wish I knew where he was....

  3. I'm commenting again 'cos I like the word: exise.
    Oh yes, exise the beast!

  4. Boris was getting enough exise running up and down the wall... arf arf..
    Its a good job superdawg was having his morning nap (building up strength for his afternoon nap) - otherwise it would have been goodnight boris. There would have been just a leg, waving bye bye...

  5. Ewwww?

    Just a liddle spowder.

    I wonder where it is now....


  6. I'd need want whip and a chair before I went looking for that bugger :(

  7. It occurred to me late last night... maybe he wasn't alone. I mean, he must have a Mum... at least...

  8. Mike. I have found Boris i think. I will post him on my blog for ID purposes.
    Confirm at your leisure.

  9. The cat's gone missing....

    Anyway, I've had a look at your blog, Alan. Its certainly about the same size. I can't tell if yours has the goggly things (sorry to be so scientific...)
    So I'm not sure....
    This one's legs were quite delicate (a bit like mine as it happens..)

  10. Had a relative in my bedroom last night. I opened the door so he could run up and down the landing a few times for exise before David, er, introduced him to a life at sea...
    Told you there was going to be trouble!

  11. I was careful not to read your ppost out aloud, Louise. There would indeed be trouble if Boris got to hear of that.


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