Thursday 2 September 2010

‘Tis a far far better thing……

benandchris 013

Ok, I admit it. It was a foolish thing even to consider. Tomorrow, I’m taking these two little tykes camping. These are grandsons #1 and #2. They have strange Southern (Derbyshire/Nottingham) accents. They are very very noisy, disruptive, resentful of authority, hungry, energetic and quite, quite mad.

We are going to Ettrick, the Kielder campsite having wisely arranged a 100 mile bike ride for hundreds of cyclists and the Bamburgh campsite “claiming” to be full (They must have heard about us)

We are to be joined by Uncle Morgy and Aunty Becky, sophisticates from Edinburgh bringing our tea in the form of a pre-cooked chile.

And we have to deliver Uncle Morgy’s birthday presents.

I will provide a substantial and unhealthy breakfast and evening merlot out of plastic cups.

We may be back.

We may visit the Minotaur Maze at Kielder on the way.

Otherwise, one of us may go mad.

Prayers are encouraged…….

Anything could happen….


  1. They're going to have a grand time - you may get run ragged but they'll love it!

  2. Does lightweight Bob do a portable naughty step, I wonder?

  3. Ahhh! Mind you, pictures can be deceptive...
    They'll have a ball! You, on the otherhand, might need a lie down in a darkened room. Or a padded cell.
    Or a Merlot intravenous drip? No, those drip hangers on wheels can get in the way in a tent.
    word: puper

  4. You deserve a medal! Kids are to be stayed well away from, a bit like pot holes, but you seem to like those to.

    Hm, i think you could be an old softy at heart.

  5. Brilliant - hope it all goes well.....

    [btw - I now have adverts (in French probably as I'm in France now) at the foot of your blog - did you sign up for those?]

  6. Thanks each - its all over now... Aunty Becky and Uncle Morgy saved the kids' lives, I think...
    I seem to have authorised the ads through "adsense", Laura, though I don't remember doing it. But I have been playing with the blog settings....
    If they get irritating, I'll turn the ads off.. at the mo, I seem to have earned three quid..

  7. "pre-cooked chile" - Great stuff! I serve it to Binder and his Wanderer person when they come this way!

  8. Its a rum do(odle), Pong, but in the end the kids and Morgy had chicken stew and Me and Becky had a curry...

    Where did you get your comment translated by the way?


If your comment has any external links at all it won't be published.... just sayin'