Monday 16 February 2009

Whernside - another pic

Mike from the Go4awalk website took a bunch of pics on our recent Whernside "walk". This is one. If it's Ok with him, I'll post some more cos they're better than the ones I took....

But this is Whernside...y'know - the Three Peaks Peak. Its not somewhere up yer Cairngorms, its Whernside. Whernside!!!!!
This was a big snowdrift on the way down.... you had to slide down it.... I wish more winters could be like this - its 10 Centigrade now. Is the winter finished? (Not likely.....)

Anyway, I like the pic cos I look a bit relaxed and the snow looks a bit pure and white and cosy somehow.
And I've got me Aldi goggles on....


  1. Nice one Mike.
    Exemplary ice-axe technique! I'm sure Gayle will be impressed...

  2. Thats the only reason I do it, Martin.... a few more follow in a new post.....

    we're very proud...


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