Monday 16 February 2009

Whernside - more pics

These are absolutley the very last you'll get of the Whernside pictures. These are some more sent by Mike from Go4awalk...

These could be the last snowy ones till next Christmas unless I can drag myself up to Scotland - nearly went a week or so ago... but didnt. But soon.

I think they're fab anyway.
Hands up who thinks I look a right wazzock in those goggles....


  1. Fab indeed. The chap on the hill seems OK as well :)

  2. Must cut them toenails, though - ruining me boots...

  3. Thanks Phil - I suspect you're just being kind, though.
    They do stop your eyes watering and filling up with snow, though....

  4. You are Ken Bates and I claim my five pounds !!


  5. See you've been to some whernside wrecks, you might like our blog featuring hills, plane wrecks, and also on occasion pies:

  6. Ken Bates, Tykelad? - Is that Mr and Mrs Bates little son?

    Interesting blog that, Sean - could be quite useful whenever I come across some wreckage. I think I'll have a little blog about something I found recently in Kielder. The other plane crash sites appearing on this blog were on Great Whernside. I believe there might be a couple on Whernside , too , though (They got a bit stuck for names of hills in the Dales)

  7. Correction to previous comment - the plane crashes weern't blogged about on this blog, they were on walkingforum...dhuhhhh....

    I feel a blog coming on , though as I'm busy not walking just now due to being an evil landlord for a while instead (had some carpets fitted today) But I'm not blogging about that......

    Who am I and why are the nurses stealing my underpants...?


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