Saturday 14 February 2009

More TGO challenge Planning

Somebody posted on the TGO Challenge forum website thingy that they'd just booked some train tickets.

So, despite a distinct current lack of spondoolies partly due to an outrageous gas bill... I decided I'd better book some transport too.

And so, after trying the traveline, which reported that it wasn't possible to travel from Crook to Shiel Bridge at all, ever, under any circumstances, because neither place existed, other than in the fevered imagination of an ex-NHS Personnel manager (who are renowned for their fevered imaginations) - I managed, on The Trainline to book a single Durham Edinburgh train ticket for ten of your Queen's pounds (a bargain) and a bus from Edinburgh to Inverness and then to Shiel Bridge for another £37. Which isnt too bad, really. It wouldnt let me book the journey home from Montrose to Durham, but if I try again in a couple of weeks....

I also booked train tickets from Durham to Sanquhar and back for my April pre-match walkies, although I have to go on the Saturday cos the Sunday train doesnt arrive till very very late in the day. So, I'll be camping in Sanquhar for a night. Might go to the pub or something....

I have an hour and 45 minutes to kill in Edinburgh. I wonder if Adminfairy could be persuaded to leave her gossamer web and we could do lunch or something.....

6th of May, Becky!! (I'm going a bit early so I can have extra walkies before the Challenge starts)
Pic of Hudderstone included above for no good reason at all....(nobody ever goes walking in the Borders, innit?)
Strange thing is, though, I seem to have lots of ads for gritting on the blog. I suppose its because I mentioned gritters once. I wonder what I'd get if I mentioned vetenary services for elephants>


  1. Strange that you can't book Montrose to Durham, as both are on the east coast. I guess you'll have tried Montrose -> Edinburgh and then Edinburgh -> Durham?

    As to killing time in Edinburgh. Plenty of places on the way from bus station to Waverley (open channel d). But it's a wee trek across traffic, if memory serves. But I'm stating the bleedin' obvious as you've probably done it before.

  2. The site basically told me to wait till three months before the travel date. Its just a couple of weeks, so I can do the washing up or something in the meantime.
    I have only done the Waverley -> Bus Station journey once. I have only a vague memory of where the bus station is, in fact. Plenty of time to do it in, though. I expect there's a pub or two on the way....

  3. LOL - and a Sean Connery on every corner, beckoning you in for the Homecoming Celebrations.


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