Sunday 1 June 2014

Loadsa Work for Charriddee

A quick update on the charity stuff before I return dogless to the hills:
May saw a big increase on the amount of dosh going to Mind, mainly due to the Cafe Akto activities. But there was also a small bunch of donations separate from cafe Akto and these were more than generous.
Additionally, Dawn donated a PHD jacket and this was sold on the walkersforum site for £70
Another £368 was added to the total, making the current amount of spondoolies  £743.75. This isn’t the amount in the virgin money giving account because there’s been donations outside that account.
So, thanks to all the cafe akto donators plus Andrew, Kate and Brenda and Andrew (different Andrew, I suspect!) who also bunged money into the virgin money giving account.
A spreadsheet and bar chart appears below, plus a Smashie and Nicey Christmas video as a special treat to everybody who’s been good through May and those who’ve been naughty aren’t allowed to watch.
Nov 2013 £50.00 £50.00  
Dec 2013 £37.50 £87.50  
Jan 2014 £138.75 £226.25  
Feb 2014 £25.00 £251.25  
Mar 2014 £106.25 £357.50  
apr 2014 £17.50 £375.00  
may 2014 £368.75 £743.75  



  1. Congratulations on getting so much dosh over time. I think that's smashing. I was surprised though that you resorted to a bar chart: I should have thought a pie chart would have been appropriate for this blog.
    I hope you never take down that top picture at the header...I love to see that smiling open mouth of the beloved Bruno each time I visit.

  2. Reifyn - I am in smug mode at the moment with the May results - but there's a way to go yet, so I'll keep plugging away. I'll be keeping the big pic on the main page pro tem anyway - you're not the first to advise not to change it!
    Piue chart!! Arf!
    Fellbound - Ta very much!

  3. Very good news Mike. Ahem, ! I have a sat nav active 10 thing??


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