Friday 30 May 2014

Bruno Has Died

if there's a doggy heaven for bruno, this would be it

I had to make the decision to end Bruno’s hopeless fight for life this morning and at about half-past eleven today he was put to sleep. His illness has lasted just 38 days from diagnosis and whilst the outcome was inevitable, the speed of his transformation from a strong, vibrant, noisy, enthusiastic, mischievous food-obsessed mongrel to an unsteady and lethargic geriatric refusing everything except plain water has been really quite shocking.

I’ll give him a bit of a write-up later on, when I’m more in a mood for it.


  1. I am so sorry to hear this news Mike. I never had the pleasure of actually meeting Bruno, but it must be obvious to all readers of this blog that he enjoyed a wonderful life, and that he was very special dog, in fact a Superdawg that will be missed by many people. We are thinking of you.

  2. Very sorry to hear that Mike.

  3. I'm so sorry. I've followed your blog for a while - not quite sure how I found it. But I've always enjoyed your walks with Bruno Superdawg. He seemed such an affable
    likeable chap somehow. He will be much missed I'm sure.

  4. So sorry to hear your sad news Mike. xxx

  5. Sorry to hear about Bruno. IO lost my chum- cat flavoured last summer. It was also after an obvious decline. She had one last summer just but it was not fair. My empathies for having been there. That cat has seen out a marriage. I really enjoyed following superdawg's hill walking adventures.

    Much missed.

  6. Oh Mike I'm really sorry. I lost my dog a year and a half ago and I know how you feel. I really enjoyed following your blog and it won't be the same without him. At least he is not suffering any longer. Take care xx

  7. I am so sorry to hear about Bruno. It's a terrible decision to have to make but in this case the right one. He has had a wonderful life and wonderful owners. So many dogs don't. Grieve but be happy that he is now peaceful and at rest. Best wishes to you all.

    Sue R

  8. Sad day for you, but you have made your dogs life wonderful and special and he yours.

  9. You have all my sympathy Mike,but you also have great fortitude and wit.I am sure your memories with Superdawg will always shine through.


  10. Hi Mike, sorry to hear about Bruno. You may remember that we met once on top of I think Great Whernside - although both of us didn't know each other at the time. I remember Bruno bounded around while we chatted over our lunch,I thought at the time what a great companion to have in the hills. My wife always like the Super dawg photo on your blog!

    All the best

  11. So sorry to hear this Mike, Superdawg has made your blog a real pleasure to read.

  12. I'm completely gutted for you Mike, I know just how much Bruno meant to you.
    We're all thinking of you - yet we can only guess what you're going through.

  13. I am so very sorry to hear this sad news Mike. What a lovely and faithful hound Superdawg has been. Take care. Kate

  14. Sorry to hear that Mike. I enjoyed my days out with you and Bruno.

  15. So sorry to hear that. You gave him a wonderful life, you were both lucky to have found each other.

  16. So sorry Mike, Superdawg Bruno had a brilliant life and I for one will miss reading about his exploits out in the hills and I hope you find some comfort in the knowledge that you made it all happen and that he had a great life so much better than most other dog , take care ……Mick

  17. Sorry to hear this Mike. I remember Bruno taking a somewhat unwelcome interest in my face when we stopped for sarnies on our walk over Black Hill (as you know, I'm not a doggie person). But that wasn't his fault and he was just being Superdawg - inquisitive, friendly and full of energy. He was a great companion for you and everyone will miss hearing about his adventures. Go easy mate.

  18. I am so sorry that you have lost Bruno. It's always heartbreaking making a decision to end a pet's life and no matter how many times you have to do it down the years it never gets easier. You and Bruno both know you made the best decision for him.

    A great big hug to you,

    Linda xx

  19. Run Free Bruno!

    Your best friend is now free from pain, you gave him the final gift of love.

    He will always live in your heart.

  20. Sorry to hear this Mike.

  21. So sorry to hear this Mike, saddened, he will be missed

  22. I'm touched by all the supportive comments - and the similar numbers of sympathetic words on twitter and facebook and by email... far too many for me to reply to individually. All I can say is that it's all greatly appreciated. And for a scraggy, nervous, underfed, unwanted and unknown brown mongrel of mixed parentage found in a cage in Evenwood Co Durham, its actually quite a good send-off.

  23. I'm late arriving here, Mike. I'm sorry to hear about Bruno. It's awful when you lose a loved one and I'm sorry that I can't think of any words to help.
    I agree totally with 50 and counting's words.

  24. Really sorry to hear about Bruno, Mike.

    We had to make a similar decision about Maisie (The Fatdog) 2 years ago so I can appreciate where you are at the minute. Although we still miss her knowing we made the right decision helps a lot.

    Always remember the happy days.


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