Friday 10 February 2012

Pieblog Gets Stuff Sent


One of the things about having an outdoor blog, and , probably other blogs too, is that you get offered all kinds of stuff. Most of the offers I get are either irrelevant to the blog or some company or other wants to control what I write, or , even, heaven forbid, write stuff for me. I just turned down an approach for material linked to the Ramblers efforts to get people fit by walking, for instance. This is not a fitness blog. This is a pie blog. This blog has  gravy and strong liquors.

And I got one from somebody asking for a review of a magnetic bracelet – ideal, I suppose, when navigating in a random fashion with a magnetic compass and you’re not too bothered where you might end up….. er… actually, as it happens, that prospect is starting to sound a bit more attractive…

And software. I don’t want software. Who, with a primary interest in wandering about the countryside would be interested in software…? Dhuhh…

Apart from Darren, I mean……

Anyway, the most recent one was from simplyhike an outdoor gear retailer. The deal was that I mention simplyhike on the pie blog, put in a link, and I get a piece of gear worth up to £75 to play with and review. I couldn’t see anything wrong with this. It seems like a win-win thing to me, so I looked through their website and asked for a Berghaus Akka Down vest. It came today and I’ve had it on as it’s a bit chilly up here in Pieland just at the moment. Noticing the queue of old ladies hanging on to the railings outside Pietowers this morning (due to being unable to stand up on the ice) – I wore the vest whilst spreading grit from the grit bin provided by the Council. So, it’s come in handy already.

I can also see this being useful to stop all that shivering when sitting around camp (or cowering inside a sleeping bag with all me clothes on if it’s as cold as last week….) and it seems to pack down quite small….

I will write a review in a bit – it won’t take long – I mean, it is cold just now in just the right kind of way to justify wearing a down vest and it’s not the most complicated piece of kit I’ve ever had.

I didn’t spend the whole seventy five squids, see… I spent £69.95 and the RRP seems to be £100, so even though I haven’t actually dished out any dosh, I feel like it’s a double bargain – Free, with a discount.  Double bubble…..   (Possibly faulty logic here…)

Here’s a general link  to the retailer 




  1. hey why not!!! bargainous!!!

  2. Sounds like a good deal to me, I'd like a lightweight four season down sleeping bag any offers?

  3. Wot? Nothing for Bruno??????

  4. Always knew you were completely 'armless.

    I'll get my coat.

  5. Bargainous indeed, Eeek (you really do need an exclamation mark there, Eeek!)
    They have sleeping bags, Geoff... Not for seventy five squids, though. Give 'em a ring and see what they say (stands back...)
    Laura - Bruno got 16kg of dog biscuits last year. He's not thanked me for them yet.
    Thanks Louise (arf arf). I got an engine management system light on too.. I think its the cold weather...


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