Wednesday 8 February 2012

Crowds on the Tees

dcc walkers teesdale way

In complete contrast to the lonely hills of the North, today, I joined a Durham County Council guided walk lead by Rangers Sheila and Maria. Well, they’ve been on some of my walks, so I thought I’d mooch along and support their walk. Maybe it was because it was informally advertised as an “S&M” walk (Sheila and Maria) ; who knows… bit, apart from me, and the two leaders, there were over sixty walkers.

river tees near whorlton

It was a very nice walk, though, from Whorlton near Castle, upstream mainly on the South bank to Eggleston Abbey and then Barnard Castle and returning on the North Bank – a total of about ten miles in bright sunshine and iced-up paths.

All very jolly and sociable. And the River Tees is a very beautiful river running over rocks and through deep gorges and with good paths on each bank.

More Reccies from me and superdawg shortly. Its noticeable that since Dawn returned to That London, the weather forecast is now predicting double figure temperatures after some initial snowy excitements…. will it be spring or just another episode of a warm, wet and windy winter?



  1. Amazing Mike.It looks like the weather has followed me south. Snow is forecast for 'that' London area.

  2. There's not much snow here, Dawn - but everything is very slippery... I do get the impression that you're attracting it, though....


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