Thursday 15 December 2011

Planning for Summer

best of teesdale walk

On a raw North- Eastern day, having finished hiding clutter behind chairs and sofas and having not yet visited Crook Boozerama following my survival of the  bilateral medical haematology investigations (blood from each arm) – it was nice to get an email from Maria at The Council for bids for walks for the summer 2012 guided walks programme.

So, I’ve had a day with maps (there’s another one coming up shortly for TGO walk route form completion) – and lots of measuring and cutting and pasting and all kinds of word processing wizadry, and I’ve come up with fifteen walks for next summer’s programme.

I had some requests (no, really…) to repeat some of last summers walks, so I put some of those in.

108 tan hill inn day 9

And somebody in the feedback stuff that gets sent in asked for a series of walks which would complete a long distance walk – so I’ve put in five circular walks which completes County Durham’s section of the Pennine Way from Tan Hill to Cronkley Spout. There’s a total of 67 miles of walking to achieve this.

And there’s some new ones. Almost all the walks are longer than your average Co. Durham guided walks because I’ve been told that there’s a demand for longer walks.

Nine of the walks are new, so I’ll have to plod around those as soon as the daylight gets a little bit longer.

I’m quite chuffed and a little bit smug.

Crook Boozerama here I come…..



  1. Good grief! Thoughts on summer, already?

    As I type this down here in the flatlands, we have had, this morning, our first, feeble wisps of watery snow, which will likely be gone by the time I've finished my second cup of coffee. We've barely had a frost of any note, either, although there is much more to come, no doubt.

    So, with winter (and all the fun that can bring!) only just on it's way, summer seems a long way off right now!

  2. Looking forward to your reports. Often use your walks as inspiration when i want to explore County Durham.

  3. Excellent stuff Mike. Have a good night!

  4. Well, Jules, I've planned stuff to coincide with the flowering of the Spring Gentian, the ripening of the Northern Haymeadows and the County Durham monsoon (Jan to December)
    Paul - Thats nice to know (simper.....)
    It was OK, Alan. Blossom Hill, Italian Red.... £3.99 a bottle.

  5. Greetings from an Amish community in Pennsylvania, I'm just checking out different blogs and thought id leave a comment. Happy holidays to everyone as well. Richard from Amish Stories

  6. Thanks Richard. I hope you have a very happy Christmas too.

  7. Just leaving a comment cos the word verification is 'womble' and I couldn't resist it!


If your comment has any external links at all it won't be published.... just sayin'