Monday 14 March 2011

On The Bench

the bench
Not doing very well at the moment as far as actual walks are concerned. I’m just recovering from man-cold-flu-pneumonia-pestilence and following a specially energetic and extended game of Peggle De-Luxe on the computer Saturday night, I found that my right knee has completely seized-up like an unused handbrake and refuses to move very much from the “leg fully extended” position. Any attempt to persuade it into any other position results in much bad language and some screaming. So I’ve learned not to try.
My GP says that its either inflamed or the inevitable result of not drinking enough whisky and doing foolish and over-energetic activities such as washing up, talking to the dog and trying to remember other people’s birthdays.
So, I have to rest the knee for a week and I’ve got some lovely new tablets to go with all the others I take every day.
Various appointments and meetings have been cancelled.
If the car would start (it won’t , due to not being used for two weeks), I wouldn’t be able to drive it anyway. I am soothed somewhat by the thought that the petrol in the tank increases in value exponentially with each day that passes and, that at some point, I’ll be able to sell the stuff back to Saudi Arabia and buy a wind-generator/power station to be built in full view of Holyrood…..
Hopefully, it won’t be too long before I can return to the hills, but In the meantime, I am doomed to fester with Radio Newcastle in the background.
Another game of Peggle, I think……
cymru22 y garn from cwm idwal


  1. All the best and get well soon.

  2. Love that “Dull” picture Mike.
    Hope you are feeling better soon.
    If it’s not one thing it’s another.

    I feel for those poor souls in Japan. Wish there was something i could do to help.

  3. Could be worse that's not your car stuffed in the verge in the background is it?


  4. Hope you recover soon and Bruno doesn't get too bored stuck in the house as that will be the next thing!

    P.S. I remember taking that 'Dull' photo!

  5. Hope you get well soon, Mike. Happy Peggling!

  6. All a bit pants really, hope you're feeling better soon.

  7. Chin up!
    It's not all bad news - the other leg's still usable....I thought the washing up would be too much for you.............

    Hope you feel better soon!

  8. Stiff knee,eh.That Viagra can have some unexpected side-effects !

  9. And how do you manage to get your pants on and off with that straight leg? Does Nurse help?

    Does Nurse bring soothing ointments and warming libations with the snoozepaper as you watch Wales beat Ireland?

    Or is Nurse of the old school of beasting and bullying you back to ignominious health?

    (Word = "Ronsidic" - an Eastern European pyromaniac)

  10. Oooer worra flood of comments. Thanks to everybody for your concern. I can't wait to die.
    Anyway - for those who mention pants, I have to say that this has proved a bit of a problem so far.
    Choosing old pants with loose elastic seems to be the winning strategy - thus, a gentle on-the-spot jump-up-and-down or jig will release the trollies to the floor.
    I can't get them on, though - it took me ages this morning. Maybe a length of string...?
    Baggy trousers or jogging pants are also de riguer.
    And its a very long way to Crook Boozerama.
    I'm getting quite good at Peggle, though.

  11. ... apparently there are some handy tips to be had from episodes of Wallace and Grommit.....

    And there's Wensleydale in the fridge (although Lancashire is much better)

  12. Hope you're feeling better soon, then you can get out on them hills and moors. I'm particularly looking forward to your report after a compassless, mapless visitation to the pathless wastelands of the northern Pennines. Who said "...less" is more!

  13. If you're looking for sympathy Mike. It's between shit and syphillis in the dictionary

  14. It's a real bugger getting plague and knee trouble at the one time.
    Never mind you can ask nurse to wheel the bath chair up the nearest hill...or get Bruno to pull you up.

    Take care Mike.

  15. Thanks Al - the hills are calling but I will not hear. But soon, maybe...
    Cheers Ron - I can't add much.....
    FD - I'm not sure an old fart in a bath chair up a pennine would be such a good idea. It sounds a very poor TV script involving a lot of hurtling and some wrinkled stockings.

  16. Hope you recover soon and that you are not finding Radio Newcastle a little dull !

  17. Radio Newcastle is a reliable shuffle of the same rock/pop songs at night and in the morning it tells me where all the traffic jams are (Western bypass, Tyne Tunnel)as I sip my coffee and scoff my beta blockers on toast.
    Walkies probably (possibly) Tuesday...


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