Thursday 17 March 2011

Moffat-Peebles 2011

oh no, time to get up....

I’ve just sent out an email to severalteen peeps about the Moffat to Peebles walk , aka Big Jugs Monthly Challenge 2011.

This is by invite and will take place from 15 to 18 April 2011 starting wiht a small celebration in the Bridge Inn in Peebles.

If you would like to enjoy this particular torture, which involves walking 35 miles over Scottish Border Hills, two nights wild(ish) camping and some carousing, and you haven’t already had an email, then let me know – preferably before 15 April.

At the moment , we have about 12 participants who say they’re coming. This means six or seven will actually start out, so there’s probably room for one or two more……

It’ll be fun. Don’t hold back. Bring pies.

moffpeeb2 009



  1. That's my tent that is, that red one.
    Recognise it anywhere I would.
    What are all those strange people doing near it eh? I bet they were drinking and eating pies and stuff.

  2. There were no pies, Andrew. look into my eyes. Repeat after me. There were no pies. There were no pies.

    ...and you're back in the room....

  3. You're darn right there weren't any PIES... The Pieman had the lot!

    That's my tent, that is - the blue one that the photographer cruelly cut in half. I could have woken up with an arm missing! Or worse!

    Could it be that that's how I had my digit surgically slashed... It's all coming back now...

    I shall talk to a lawyer, I shall.

    Word = "zymorilb" - a walking medication for the elderly and insane.

  4. They wuz like pig's trotters, them fingers. Not an ounce of meat on 'em.

    Look into my eyes - You've just fallen off a barbed wire fence....

    and you're back in the roomm.....

    (are you still barking whenever somebody rings a bell by the way, Alan?)


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