Wednesday 9 June 2010

TGO Its just one day after another

And so, following technical difficulties with the sleeping bag it was bright and early the very next morning when I failed to awake.
It was quite a bit later when I failed to awake again.
And then suddenly, I found myself in Bill and Stan’s kitchen with a bacon butty in one hand and a hot cuppa in the other.

Today, I wandered over some Munros and ended up at Kilbo and put the tent up. I didn;t see any Banfields.

This post has been heavily edited, but its Ok cos nobody reads it anyway....!


  1. How on earth did you manage to navigate from Cairn of Claise to Tom Buidhe without visiting Tolmount?

    OK, I know, Kylie was waving at you from Mayar?

    I thought I detected an 'aroma' at my lunch spot near Kilbo!

  2. Maggie's route, I believe she'd considered Tolmount but there were sufficient contours on the walk without it. I wasn't unhappy with that decision. Its a straightforward moorland tramp between the two hills and then over Dog Hillock to Mayar.
    It'd be a bugger in poor visibility, though.

  3. I had an unplanned visit to the Dental [butchers] Surgeons yesterday and felt awful for most of the day. I read your post late on and it cheered me up no end. Thanks Mike.

    I have to go back to the butchers on wednesday, can i book another Cherrie post for then please.


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