Thursday 10 June 2010

TGO – Glen Prosen

I left Kilbo at a reasonable hour and wandered down the glen. There’s very little route choice here – just follow the track which joins a road. Its a beautiful glen, spoiled only by a very aggressive farm dog and his slightly more diffident pal. Make no bones about it, this dog will take a chunk out of you if you turned your back.
We left him in charge of the road outside the farm, feeling very proud of himself for seeing us off. I suspect that sooner or later, this pooch will get his boss into serious trouble.

As I came to Dykehead, we were chased for a seat on a bench by some veteran ramblers from Montrose, who seemed desperate for a chat. being from Montrose, of course, they were well aware of the walk I was doing. I think, maybe , I may have overdid the banter…
peter pan
 I plodded into town where I was met by the Knipe clan, including a very ecstatic superdawg. We had a dinner at the Thrums Hotel and they all went off to Johnshaven, leaving me to a shower and a night in the bar with me maps.
Another shower – that’s three altogether. And a bed! A real bed…!  With a telly…!

Today’s picture is from Martin Banfield.
Thanks again….


  1. I'm a touch dissapointed it's all over now - I thoroughly enjoyed your account of the crossing!

  2. Not quite finished yet - there's still thirty miles to go.
    Then there's the Montrose booze-up......

  3. Fantastic - roll on tomorrow!


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