Monday 23 November 2009

TGO Challenge Route Planning


Frosty morning in Glen Lyon 2007

Just spent pretty much the whole morning, a part of the lunchtime and some of the afternoon drawing lines on electronic maps and measuring distances and I think I’ve finally cracked it – a joined up route across Scotland.

This year, unusually for me, and, possibly living in cloud cuckoo land cos the weather will probably spoil it – I’ve managed to work in a static camp in Knoydart for the relaxed bagging of Sgurr na Ciche and other delights – so my tent on Day 2 will move precisely nil miles and nil contours of ascent. (Although, hopefully, I’ll be doing a bit more)

A day or so later, however, does include lots of tarmac beside Loch Arkaig, so that’s the price.

I’ll then be moving South ish for Ben Alder Lodge (never been), Ben Bheoil (missed that one somehow) and then through the bumpy it in the middle with a couple more Munros and the odd Corbett for a boozerama at Braemar.

I’m also determined to do the ridge next to Glen Prosen which ends at Cat Law.

The finishing end is at Scurdie Ness.


Landing at Inverie

The total distance excluding the day’s static Munro bagging thing is 313 km, or about 196 miles. The longest day is 30 km and the shortest is 15 and the average is 24km or about 15 miles. I orta be able to do that….


  1. A want to be Legend should ace it. It sounds a good plan and good luck with it.

  2. No pressure, then, Martin!
    The trick is to try to enjoy it and not turn it into a war with the landscape/weather....
    That's Leg End by the way....

  3. Howdeee Mike...Thought i would fire a few questions at you. if you dont mind..

    Are you a memory map user Mike....??

    What base weight are you aiming for this year?

    why dont they let dogs on the TGO ??

    Any ideas on the national lottery numbers

  4. Well hellooo Paul
    The answers to your questions are
    1) No . I've got a very old copy of Fugawi, but I tend to use a road map for the initial planning (I can see the whole of the route y'see...)
    2)I think my pack usually weighs about 15kg, with the food and whicky, but not the water. (Don;t usually need to carry water, cos its freely available. I do carry a mug on a line around my neck, so I can get a drink without actually bending over (you never know who's about.....)
    3) Probably Scopttish hill politics. I wouldn;t take my dog anyway. He snores, farts and growls.
    4) Try to avoid any numbers with more than two digits. Just a tip there....

  5. Thats whisky, not whickey, or wikky.

    Keyboard is taking the miskey....


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