Wednesday 25 November 2009

Fountains fell and other plans


elephant trees

Its probably a good idea just to go over current walking plans, so that anybody who’s interested can do whatever it is you do when you’re interested in something.

There’s a theme running about climbing all of the Yorkshire dales 2000 foot tops. This is going well just now and the next victims to the Knipe boots and paws are Fountains fell and Darnbrook Fell this coming Sunday (29th)

I’ve also just decided a new theme for the winter, which will be local County Durham walks. this is my contribution to saving petro-chemicals and also my own petrol money at the same time. Walks will either be very doggy friendly or , at least, discrete. the dog is coming with me anyway. They’ll be easy for me to get to if it snows a lot, too….

There’s a couple of additional walks in there too, as special Christmas offers….

So, here’s the programme for the rest of November and for December:

27 November Elephant Trees from Wolsingham

29 November Fountains and Darnbrook Fells from Arnclife

6 December Slit Vein, Rookhope from Westgate

8 December Crookrise and Cracoe Fells from Embsay with Martin Banfield

13 December Dodd Fell Hill from Hawes

22 December Winter solstice Dead Stones howff from Killhope Cross (time tba)

24 December Drumaldrace from Semer Water

27 December Fell Head from Tebay

31 December Middlehope Moor from Cowshill

Everything starts at 09:30. If it snows a lot, or the roads are very icy or something, it may be a bit later.

Some of the walking will be after dark, so lights will be needed


  1. I plan to be backpacking in the Howgills so will raise a gloved hand and bow my head in your direction on Sunday morning Mike!

  2. Should be fab, James, the forecast is better and there's some cracking camping spots in the Howgills.... nice, long nights, too. I hope you have some appropriate in-tent entertainment lined up!

  3. Yep, Kylie is coming with me. But just in case she can't make it I will take a very long book!

  4. Kylie? She visits lonely wayfarers in the middle of the night.... You'll never get her bra undone y'know...

  5. but I have special gloves.........

  6. I'm fascinated with the planning Mike. Have you always been as obsessed?

    Being a fairweather (can't be a***d with rain) walker I almost never make plans more than 2 MWIS days ahead. Then it's go with the flow.

  7. ...keeps me out of the house, Ken.
    Sometimes, I get wet, though. As it happens, I've just dried out three pairs of boots ready for the next dunkings.
    Its not really an obsession, but if I don't do it the elves will eat my legs in the night.


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