Wednesday 1 July 2009

Hadrians Wall

Just been planning a walk along Hadrians Wall. Not sure why. But whatever the reason, I'll be doing it in day walks and, at least at first, I'll be using public transport to get around the Newcastle city parts.
I'm looking forward to it.
If you can see some numbers below this post, then something has gone wrong.
This is this week's cryptic message.
More stuff tommorrow - or later today anyway.
In the meantime, this is just a "heads-up" for anybody interested in Hadrians Wall that I'm intending to walk this walk over the next couple of months and I'll be writing all about it here....


  1. Always wanted to have a look at Hadrian's Wall but never managed to get round to it (pure idleness on my part). I await your reports with interest Mike.

  2. I like to be helpful Tykelad. I'm looking forward to it.

  3. The Pennine way bits are great and why? who needs a why!! all we need is a destination. Be a fine backpacking trip and happy planning.

  4. You're right, Martin, the PW bits will be the best bits. I'll be doing this walk as a series of day walks, though, Martin, although, if I get time sometime, I might walk it in one go.
    But not this year.
    day 1 will be Wallsend to Heddon on the Wall. (I've just decided)
    I'll go on the train.

  5. Since the last post I have since finally got my derriere into gear and made the 200 (ish) mile round trip and seen said wall at Housesteads and Steel Rigg.

    And very worthwhile it was too :D

  6. Its only 20 miles from Chez Knipe, Tykelad. First walk quite soon - I checked out public transport on the journey planner thing and its never heard of Heddon on the Wall or Newcastle Upon Tyne, though.
    Good programming there....


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