Monday 29 June 2009

Rabbitting like a Ferret

Just had me fasting blood-glucose test and tommorrow I've got to see Dave, my new cardiac nurse. Not sure what happened to Tracy. Anyway, all this medical stuff and tidying up the front garden a bit (hillwalkers garden syndrome) has stymied any outdoor stuff for today and tommorrow morning.
But in the midst of all this blood loss and driveway scraping, Charlie sent me some pictures of our caving trip the other day in Jacobs Well cave at Frosterley.
I thought I'd share a few.

Not sure who it is getting stuck in there - I think he works at Hexham Tesco and he's on his first underground trip.
There's nowt like getting really mucky for a good laugh...


  1. Bloody hell, that looks scary! I hope Tesco man doesn't suffer from claustrophobia.

  2. No hiding place for the stolen trollies....

  3. Just caught up Mike. I'm exhausted. You certainly do live in the Fast Lane!
    Do you go anywhere there aren't midgies??

  4. Eeeeeeeeeeeee! (Co Durham expression) - look who's talking - nobody gets around like Phreerunner, hanging off bits of wire in the Dolomites.. walking to the pub in Timperley... and er...stuff...
    I'm haunted by midgies, though. Have you seen Darren's legs? He made a mistake coming out with The Pie. Bruno looked good in the badger outfit, though, I thought.

  5. Haven't got to 'W' yet, Mike. Got as far as 'N' and realised some trip planning was needed. [Actually, a delivery to that fine gent who completed his 20th TGOC this year and has borrowed my Stubai Alps books/maps. So we won't be going there!]
    'W' (ie WD) will receive an appropriate comment later!
    Have fun!

  6. Ah well, when you get to W, Martin, you're in for a rash of interesting posts.
    Trip planning eh? Its about time you went on a trip. I look forward to reading that one.


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