Tuesday 16 June 2009

Sgurr nam h-Ulaidh

Sunday the weather wasn’t vastly improved, but we couldn’t be sitting around squashing insects, so we decided on Sgurr nam h-Ulaidh (Peak of the Moisturising Cream).
For this, we had to go back to Invercharnan and do the same route through the forest, but instead of turning off for Findlay’s Peak, we went straight on up the corrie – right up the corrie, in fact to a bealach between Ulaidh’s main ridge and Meall a Bhuiridh, its 748 metre outlier. Mike went off to bag this whilst I struggled manfully with the severely uphill bits of this hill. The SMC guide says that the route from Glen Etive avoids all steep ground. Hah! Seems pretty steep to me, in fact, at one point, there’s a slabby crag. Its not difficult to bypass this with a short and easy scramble – but it’s a crag. Seems pretty steep all the way up.
I had about half an hours wait for Mike, during which time the brothers and sisters of the poor souls I had so brutally murdered the day before caught up with me and gave me a bit of a going over.
A lad from the National Trust info centre in Glencoe turned up – still with his name badge on. He asked us if we’d done “the ridge” yet?? !? he meant Aonach Eagach. Course he did. We hadn’t and wouldn’t be doing it this time around. I was, by this time, frankly, knackered and up for another day of cruelty to insects.
We descended by the steep Corr na Beinn ridge and back home to pull the legs of something.
Another 9 miles and 3200 feet of uphill.
The views today were improved somewhat (in my opinion) by the loads of fluffy clouds that were in – coming and going and floating around just like clouds do.
Luckily, the weather was looking sufficiently iffy for me to excuse myself from anything big and go and bag a little Marilyn I had noticed not too far from the campsite.

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