Tuesday 16 June 2009

Day Four - Nothing happened

Saturday dawned wet and itchy in a quite mad running about screaming sort of way.
I zipped up the mozzie net of the tent and retreated to my mopping activities.
I had energy bars for breakfast – it being far too dangerous to cook. I slaughtered midgies by the thousand., sometimes with a deet-soaked finger and sometimes with a direct tent-fabric-destroying spray. I laughed at their discomfort. I didn’t go for a walk, although Mike decided to explore Trilleachain at about 3:00 pm.
Its Ok, though, in Scotland to set out this late because it doesn’t actually go dark in June.
I met him later on the shore path. The midgies had succumbed a bit to the breeze. I talked to a lad from Gourock who was firing an air gun at a target, and, occasionally at a seagull. He missed the seagull. He said it wasn't a seagull anyway, it was something else. Looked like a seagull to me.
We determined that we could utilise his car-thieving skills to get Mike’s van going if he failed to return from Trilleachain. Apparently, he could organise new number plates… You meet an interesting selection of people in the Highlands.
He had a lurcher dog. Very nice dog. I refused the vodka as I had some red wine left…

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