Monday 27 April 2009

They nicked my text

I was browsing my blog stats (very quiet weekend as it happens) when I came across a link to this tp://
Well, the cheeky buggers (lets not be coy about this) have nicked the text from my post , added a few out-of-context bits of text of their own and published the resulting garbage on the internet.
I used the "contact" facilities at start4all's blogging website and it doesnt do anything.
The cheeky cheeky buggers. Nil points for these arseholes.
Lets hope they auto-copy this bit of text without checking it because the people who run start4all blogging software are a set of ignorant front bottoms and you'd have to be mad to use their services. That should do it.

Pic of me up Scafell pike (cheers me up anyway)


  1. The cheeky sods

    Hope you left a suitably damning comment on the piece to make your disatisfaction known?

  2. You could always look at it this way - that your writing was really good and that was why they nicked it because whoever wrote it is so obtuse they couldn't make it up themselves.

    I think it probably wouldn't be so bad perhaps if they'd acknowledged the source of the material.

    I would suggest finding something of theirs to nick back, but I doubt it would be worth it as they obviously need to use other people's stuff anyway.

  3. Their blog wouldn;t allow any comments John - I did try to do what you suggest.
    I strongly suspect by the garbage in the rest of this so-called blog, Diane, that the rest of their material has been pinched and "amended" - they add text so that it no longer makes any sense. I think they're trying to set up a blog-providing service and this is just a lookalike blog. I'll just have to fume I suppose, and hope that they copy the insults I've written for them in this posting! (makes me feel better anyway!)

  4. Thoroughly enjoyed the link Mike.

    You must be pleased that your material is so highly sought after. I mean being plagiarized by a Boot Blog, that wasn't really one anyway...must give you a certain warm cosy feeling inside. Especially after you buying...oh yes...a new pair of boots. Poetic (in)justice.

  5. I managed to leave a comment on their opening blog post - dated 8 April. Its still there , despite the insult. If anybody else feels like leaving a comment on their opening post......

  6. I angrily shake my fist in the thieving little begger's general direction!

  7. Steady on Becky, you'll have the police out...

  8. The cheeky gits! Just read the link... What a load of non-sense!

  9. Yes, quite Rachel. Behave yourself, though, we'll have no negative incantations in their direction.
    Oh, I dunno, though...

  10. Don't know what your problem is. It reads like you talk after a few jars at the Park. Or could it possibly be what that strange northern accent sounds like when written down in English?

  11. I can speak the proper dialect y'know, Grumpy.
    For the lawson is more teacup in sparse grasslamd.


  12. I've just had a look. The whole thing makes no sense whatsoever. And the comments are closed! I shouldn't worry about this if I were you. Whatever they're doing is totally incompetent.

  13. I'm not specially worried about it, Diane, I was just a bit annoyed. I suspect its a computer doing it randomly anyway - all of their other material is the same and includes somebody's three peaks fundraising blog... dhuhhh....


If your comment has any external links at all it won't be published.... just sayin'