Sunday 26 April 2009

Read the Beano!

Here in Crook, we’ve been having some problem with these little green pests ransacking the place and eating the maidens, setting fire to waste bins and stuff. So we’ve called in the local County militia to sort them out. Pic above is George from the Bishop of Durham’s men despatching one of the feral dragons
We try to keep these blokes well away from the Border with our Northern neighbours as we are running our of space for all the cattle they keep bringing back…

Prolly go for a walk tommorrow….. in the meantime the house is noisy with kids and dogs and people telling the kids and dogs to behave, stop whatever it is they’re doing or do something they don’t want to do. Just now, they’ve gone off to some kind of open farm to frighten some cows or something…

However – it did give me an excuse to purchase “The Beano” along with the Sunday paper. In “The Beano” today, Dennis the Menace is scaring his dad by getting him on that famous TV show “Almost haunted” and his pet pig “Rasher” (did you know he had a pet pig by the way?) has destroyed dad’s water bed (dad was wearing a lifebelt at bedtime)

And (!) in Beano Max (for older kids (ahem)) – there’s a free Prank Pack including a rubber pencil (hoax your folks) – a nail bandage (painful!) a pack of snappy gum (?) and a Fart Whistle. Hooray for the fart whistle. I will be gear testing the Fart Whistle in the Forest of Bowland tomorrow. I might do a video. I’m not sure.
I might cancel TGO and start getting Beano Max. The free gifts are so much better

1 comment:

  1. Didn't go to the Forest of Bowland by the way as it was chucking it down. And the fart whistle seems to have gone to Nottingham.... ah well....


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