Thursday 13 August 2020

Rambling Rambles With Crook and Weardale Ramblers


According to the Ramblers, from 30 July 2020 Ramblers Groups (Crook and Weardale Ramblers is a Ramblers Group) can ramble in groups of up to 30 people, which was an increase from 6. Up until then, if more than 5 people, plus a leader wanted a walk, we had to split the group into But now, the gloves, or at least, the thermal socks, are off.
And so, since then we've had potentially bigger groups, although, in practise, we've actually had twelve humans and, occasionally , a small dog (LTD).  These are pics from the last 2 walks - nine or so miles from Nenthead to Ash Gill where, on the occasion of Trevor's birthday, a rendition of "happy birthday" was provided behind the Ash Gill Force waterfall. The noise of this drowned out most of the choir, thus either preventing any less skilled vocalists becoming jealous, or stopped anybody noticing any variations from yer actual correct tunings.

And then, there was a ramble up Buckden Pike. This walk had, in fact already been the subject of a reccy and a bit of a blizzard which, generally put people off a bit. But then, as the Covid 19 rules were relaxed, it appeared once again in the August programme.

Once again, the weather made an impact on the walk, this time being stupidly hot, with a dangerously electrical element in the forecast. So, as we simmered by the summit cairn with our lunchtime butties, somewhere over to the North-West and darkened sky rumbled. LTD began a sneaky escape (he likes thunderstorms even less than me), but was captured and held, tail between his legs and refusing gravy bones. It was that serious.
I shortened the walk a bit by using an escape route to the Fox and Hounds at Starbotton where they sold us some refreshments. And a storm failed to develop, although a certain amount of rumbling and grumbling from Langstrothdale continued. So nobody was electrified. It stayed hot, though.
We're javing more walkies through August and, we're just working on a September programme (it seems daft to plan too far ahead just now) Details of all walks are either on the website or will appear shortly Here (click the link!!)

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