Friday 27 April 2018

Clapham to Dent–Not a Daunder nor a DofE expedition –pre TGO stuff

So, I decided that a short backpacking trip, pre-TGO chally would be Just The Thing. LTD thought this was a rubbish idea and why couldn’t we just stay at home. But a vote of the general household at Knipetowers overuled this notion.
Nevertheless, I invited a couple of friends, not wishing for the thing to get too big and too organised. Thus, (despite the gentle attentions of the railway companies who determined that me and Dawn and LTD should arrive two hours late) just the four of us, plus dog met eventually in the New Inn at Clapham – the group being me, JJ, Chrissie, Dawn and LTD.

We progressed wetly up to Gaping Gill where we erected our tabernacles and retired cosily inside.
The rain rained and the wind blew. And the mist gathered around us very damply. The yawning pit of Gaping Gill called in the night, inviting any one of us to sample the delights of a 350 foot freefall into a dank oblivion-headed darkness. Oooer…..
In the morning (this now being Tuesday), we slogged up through the tussocks and bog to the col or bealach between Ingleborough and Simon Fell where Chrissie put up a tent and me and JJ and the dawg visited the summit of Ingleborough and where there were wet people and NO View Of Anything At All. We returned to Chrissie’s camp and then followed the rather lovely (normally anyway) path along the edges across Simon Fell and Park Fell and down to Ribblehead where a few jinkies were jinked before erecting our tabernacles once more in the nithering gale blowing off the viaduct and the sprinkling showers sprinkled our tents quite liberally. An evening of beer and steak pies was had (JJ didn’t like his cos it was all dried out, like, and others ate other things involving chickens and sausages) Pub staff appeared unhappy about something. We didn’t enquire, not wishing to intrude on their private anxieties, some of which may well have included the opening and closing of the gate onto the moor behind the pub. This seemed to be somewhat of an obsession.
If you’re considering camping behind the pub, by the way, it is free at the moment, but several brainless-types have littered, lit fires, left a general mess and, probably , emptied their bodily cavities all over the place and it’s probably only a matter of time before the free camping in stamped on. Try not to light a fire, get drunk, have a fight, break glass, chase sheep…….
The night was wet and breezy but LTD was cosy in his bed wot Chrissie made, snored loudly all night and, frankly, was reluctant to emerge on Wednesday morning.
We delayed the day’s start due to a re-evaluation of the route in view of a duff weather forecast. Chrissie decided to abandon due to an incipient migraine and the remainders eventually emerged and plodded off towards Blea Moor.
After a few showers, though, the day turned bright and cold and we sploshed over Blea Moor and down into Dentdale, pickernicking by the river Dee before catching the train to Leeds and home.
What’s the point?
Well, it gets you in the mood for TGO stuff- TGO weather specially arranged for the event. I eventually remembered things I’d forgotten to pack – tissues for the bum and a sponge/scourer for the pan – and not too bothered by the weight of the pack – and having to keep going in the face of morning drizzle and gloom – and I tried me kilt. It was too cold  and windy for kilts on Day 2 but I wore it under waterproofs on Day 3 and let it all hang out after lunch. I’m happy to wear this on the TGO. Some peeps may ask for a reason why I wore a kilt. All I can say is that I can wear whatever I feckin want to wear and not answer to anybody else with a reason. I like the kilt. It’s adding miles to my day. And I have rather lovely legs, though I say it myself (LTD agrees and he has a special view, not revealed to most people) Only one person has questioned this, in seven walks. They need to have a word with themselves, I think.
Not many miles were done, but I enjoyed it anyway, despite the glaur and the wind and the recalcitrent railway system. Almost up to TGO speed…..


  1. It was a good do Mike. Thanks too for the hospitality and breakfast.

  2. I stayed in that pub once. It was a jolly night with jolly people.

  3. I had A Very Nice spite of the duff steak pie.
    Thanks for inviting me what's all this about a Challenge?


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