Sunday 13 August 2017

Knobbly Knee Nobbled


There’s been a long space between blogposts and normally, this would be because I’ve been on holiday. I did try to go on holiday – the plan was to visit  a far-flung knipe-ish outpost to help look after some cats and dogs, probably bagging some Pentland Hills and then, as the song says, “rhere are hills beyond Pentland y’lnow…” – go up to Invergarry, camp there for a bit and bag some local Munros, returning later for an overnight somewhere up by Hart Fell near Moffat and then finish the whole thing off with another  Cheviot bag-and-beach night with Dawn.


But my knee got in the way. Avid readers may remember that I banged it on a stone whilst foolishly pot-holing through a cripple or hoggett-hole in the outer-suburbs of Shap. The thing siezed-up almost completely and the doc’s advice was that it was inflamed and to rest it, smear it with ibruprofen, take painkillers and drink unusually large amounts of beer. (OK, not the last bit…) There was something about bags of peas too… but we only had sweetcorn.

I did make a foray on to Hedleyhope Fell, which is a rather beautiful nature reserve near Tow Law and which has some flat and easy paths. This was a mistake and the knee siezed-up once again.


However, me and Mrs Pieman and LTD had a second go at Hedleyhope Fell today and I seem to have got away with it. Two of the Queen’s miles were acheived – so that brings my August total to a magnificent four miles altogether. I’m wondering if I can actually get into the drivers’s seat of the knipemobile yet without screaming and shouting rude words.

LTD is getting a bit depressed about the whole thing and is growing his nails in protest. I’m just fed-up.

But this week, if all goes well, me and LTD are returning to the footpaths and byways and will be attempting to re-establish some kind of decent distance and, maybe, ultimately, bag a Tump.

I would have included a picture of the kneecap in question but there’s nothing much to see and I wouldn;t want readers to get caqrried away by lustful feelings. This is a family blog despite the odd naughty word.

Watch this space.------------>:  Not that space, this one<----------------

Hedleyhope Fell is a cracking Durham Wildlife Trust heathland nature reserve and is well- worth a visit, being handily placed for a rest-stop for anybody heading up the A68 tourist route towards Edinburgh. Info here


  1. Sometimes, just sometimes, you should take advice given. 'Pends who's giving it I s'pose...

  2. Extremely frustrating for you Mike. By now I can imagine that cabin fever must be setting in!Healing takes longer as we grow older. Hopefully you will be on the mend soon! Sending you many positive thoughts Mike. Dawn

  3. Glad it's getting sorted Mike. I've had a few walks on Hedleybope Hill. Was when I lived down the road in the charming olde worlde village of Esh Winning.

  4. Knackered knees are a knuisance....I mean 'kin nuisance. All two of mine are giving me gip at the moment. I'm nipping out for a gentle trot in mo - just to remind them that they've got a job to do. I feel an appointment with the doc coming on....

  5. Just browsing I saw you are a follower of The Hare and Hounds at Westgate and also many of the bloggers I know well. I ended up a month or two back waiting for an ambulance for four hours in the Hare and Hounds with a broken arm where they looked after me very well. If you want to know more read my blog from 16th April onwards. Tomorrow I am returning to Weardale staying at Lands Farm and hopefully eating at the pub with a view to resuming my long walk on Wednesday. With one replacement knee and the other dodgy I sympathise with your problem and wish you well. I know I have heard tell of you from Mick and Gayle and Joihn J. , Alan Sloman, Mark Richards and others.

  6. Thanks each - the kneecap[ is grateful for your support... in fact that's just what I'm thinking of getting (knee support)

    Sir Hugh (Isn't there a Steeley Span about...) anyway - I suspect we may have spotted you somewhere near Blanchland on your long walk - probably just before your accident... if you remember a walking group coming down the hill, that was me(!). If not, then it wasn't. Good luck with finishing your project. I'm told there's game pie at the pub....

  7. Sorry to ear about your knees, Mike; I feel your pain and fully empathise right now as my own are grumbling. Staggered up Inglybrough one evening last week but had to decline a couple of walks this weekend. Thinking of setting up a new event for fellow sufferers - the Knee! Gee! Oh! Challenge.

  8. John: It seems that many people are having trouble with their knees. People need to be warned about the dangers to kneecaps inherent in walking about. Thinking of opening a Kneecap Health Information Centre in Horton-in-Ribblesdale car park. Or if wet, in the pub nearby...


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