Tuesday 11 April 2017

Roamin from Dunroamin in Galloway

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Prior to having a brief wild camp with the son-in-law, me and LTD pitched up at Dunroamin campsite, just a bit to the South of Wigtown. And very nice it was too.

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On the way up, we bagged Knockmearns Hill at Creetown which even has a waymarked path – or, at least, a route to the top, and, also a herd of lively but apparently timid Galloway cows and their calves.. and a digger digging up boulders for some reason or other. Together, they made a right old mess of the pasture at the foot of the hill.

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And the next day it was Marilyn bagging time. We struggled to the top of White Top of Culreoch through big tussocks and forest brash, crossing a barbed-wire fence dangerously for the bagging of a small Tump sticking on it’s side – one Craig of Grobdale. Galloway hills are very very tussocky by the way.

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Then, post-lunch we acheived the beetling top of Castramont Hill using a handy but sqquishy track through the heather, bogs and tussocks and then we moved on to Bengray involving another spiky fence and the scaring of a Polish fisherman carrying a dead brown trout. He was clearly of the impression that he was completely alone by Loch Whinyeon – a Loch which seems to have no decent camping spots by it at all.

We ended the day by traversing over the top of Benfadyeon on the way back to the knipemobile.

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Friday was for travelling to Kilncadzow, but first, we bagged Fell Hill. Fell Hill was a fine hill till recently. Now it is covered in hardened roads, ripped-up peat and the makings of a new windfarm.

Today’s excitement was spotting a collie dog heading towards Corsock. I assumed it was a local farm dog on walkabout but, on heading up the track towards our target Marilyn, an Australian chap in a Nissan 4X4 asked if I’d seen a collie dog anywhere. It was his friend’s dog and he was supposed to be looking after it and…..  I sent them towards Corsock – some 3 miles away.

Later, I met the lad again and he’d just been informed that his stray dog was in a cottage at Corsock and was safe.  Never lose your pal’s dog. Just a tip, there…

We’d bagged 3 Marilyns, a Hump and 5 Tumps. And Dunroamin campsite is worth a visit too…

More adventures inabit…

1 comment:

  1. Wowser, looks you had a good trip, and in good weather too. Looks an impressive bit of bagging. Well done.


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