Thursday 30 March 2017

Lord’s Seat at Alwinton

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Me and LTD and Dawn visited Alwinton in the Very Lovely Coquet Dale on Wednesday. Due to the general driechness of the dreichivity, we didn’t walk far – just up the 392 metre Tump Lord’s Seat and back down again as it were fixin ter rain a bit heavier than it was at the time. This actually didn’t transpire. But it looked like it would!

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Meanwhile the army continued shelling things and firing machine guns. One particularly loud bang scared the bejaysus out of both me and the dog – ju7st as I was taking his picture at Lord’s Seat’s trig point. (This is not on the top by the way)

So we went home.

On the way, I did manage to bag another Tump – Weighill Pike. No lambs or ewes were disturbed since they were all in different fields to us.

5 or 6 easy miles, but with 1100 feet of up.

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Upper Coquetdale near Alwinton

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LTD lusts after Dawn’s lunch

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The top of Weighill Pike

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