Sunday 11 December 2016

More Notes From The Standby List

droom floor 001
So, me and The Lad moved 17 places up the standby list. Should the 2017 TGO Chally be postponed till next September, it’s likely that we’ll get a place. But in fact, the email sent to The Lad about this (I didn’t get a copy!) has encouraging words in it, so, maybe all is not lost.
droom floor 003
I think we’d better get on and design a route. This used to take me an evening but all my relevant maps are out of date and/or falling to bits, so Task #1 will be to get a new set. We intend to start at Dornie (should we get a place) and we’d like to travel via Braemar, Callater Lodge and the Lambert and Sloman Cheese and Wine party.  I missed all the previous ones, having already produced a route when the invitations came out, so such an encouter will be interesting. I did get fairly close to one but it was at the end of a long day involving at least two public bars and instead of partying, I erected my tabenacle and went to bed. I was probably three or four miles short.
droom floor 002
In the meantime, we’ve been renewing a floor here at Pietowers, plus other works and LTD has had a foot infection and has been on beanbag rest, hence a lack of walkies.
In the other meantime, many (I mean a lot of) successful participants on the 2017 TGO challenge may well have the pleasure of encountering the first-timer who’s blocked them all on Twitter for expressing views which run in the opposite direction to those which said Blockette deems appropriate, whilst at the same time crying “Troll!” and “Bully” and so-on. That should prove interesting. Running in the opposite direction would be my first idea, but , as I’m on the standby list, the opportunity may not arise and I’m not all that good at running anyway. I am blocked, though. Not to be blocked would be a slight on my TGO chally kudos. Comments mentioning names will not, of course, be published.
I’m off to Borrowdale tomorrow, though with Dawn and, possibly, JJ, so , if the weather is kind, the missing mileage may be rectified. I’m not taking spikes.  I am taking a couple of pies, though.
Pics show LTD generally getting in the way during flooring operations.


  1. Good luck with the standby list, Mike (and Lad). Some people may panic a bit when 2017 arrives in a few weeks time and they realise they're unfit and haven't started their route planning ..... not that that ever put me off.

    Yes, the Twitter thing has been interesting. I too am blocked and have been wondering how the blocker will handle the friendly chit-chat which occurs on the Challenge? It's never a good starting point for social interaction when you've publicly gagged everyone in advance!

    Oh.... and double-check that LTD is on top of the new floor, not under it, when you nail it down.

  2. Arrrhmphph

    I think you will find it is the Sloman, Lambert and Williams Cheese and Wine this year. So it will be a far classier event. Especially if you can make it.

  3. Tar Judith I'm not panicking yet - though I'm not specially fit at the moment.. Speaking of panicking - just imagine the two of you stranded in a remote bothy surrounded by floodwaters and no signal....
    The dog is currently snoring safely on a beanbag (under the floor - we pass him down a bonio every six hours)
    David : whoops - yes I forgot you'd been drafted in to replace that Walker chap who now walks far too quickly for the Slobert team. Do you think a tube of primula and some of me gran's sherry would be OK?

  4. Stephanie Rose Hakin11 December 2016 at 21:59

    Bullying people who have got a place before you isn't on Mike. Nothing should matter that much

  5. Hello. I haven't been following your blog for .There doesn't seem to be any logical reason. But I am bewildered by your last few posts and comments. Could you please explain what's happening. Your blog brightens my day and I don't know why. blessings

  6. Oh, good luck to you and LTD - I hope you make it off the stand-by list and right onto the no-standing-keep-moving list!
    And sorry to hear of the twitter drama. I was recently blocked by an actor for something quite reasonable I said about TREES. Good gracious.

  7. Looking good Mike, hope you and the lad make it.

  8. Tar Dawn - we're off for a walk anyway, so it wouldn't be the end of the world... I do intend to bore you silly with any tales which might...
    Quinn - What did you say about trees anyway? (You're on shaky ground here)
    Stephanie - That's quite insulting, and, in fact, your accusation is a form of attempted bullying. You're a very naughty girl.

  9. Lesley: Sorry, missed your comment for some reason - all comments come to me in one email, so I must have passed your by. Basically, its nothing to worry about! I'm not sure which bits of the last few posts are confusing, or whether
    , really, its just the last one. The TGO Chally aka "Challenge" is an annual walk across Scotland and there's a limit on numbers and a stand-by list for those who didn't get chosen in the first tranche. If people drop out, then people off the stand-by list will get their places. Me and my son are currently around 30th on the list - a progression from 47th.Thats basically it. In addition to this, there's been some conflict on Twitter between various individuals and lots of people (now including me) have been accused of bullying - in my case, presumably, to shorten the stand-by list. Its a bit mad, really, but I'm happy with my general reputation amongst TGO challengers who know me, so I'm not too fussed if one individual holds a different opinion. There'll likely be updates on this subject in the future. In the meantime, the next post will just be about a warm and cloudy visit to Borrowdale with some Lake |District pics and an update on the state of Lucky The Dog (LTD's) sore paw.

  10. Thank you, I'm sort of 'with it' now. lol All those shenanigans going on in the world of walking Who'd believe it?

  11. Mike, I said that trees grow toward available light. I know...crazy talk, right?

  12. Quinn: They do, though don't they though, or as John Lennon put it "Dey do do don't dey do?"

  13. 'deed dey do, 'course dye do! (Doo bee doo bee doo.)

  14. Waddyamean 'trees grow towards available light'?....that's heresy I'll have you know.


If your comment has any external links at all it won't be published.... just sayin'