Wednesday 21 October 2015

Lucky The Dog Does Bowscale Fell and a TGO Chally Announcement


Whilst surfing that interweb the other night, in particular the site, Lucky noticed that he’d never been up Bowscale Fell (he’s not been up most other mountains as it happens…) and that Bowscale Fell also has a little top which I’d not been up either – one Bowscale Fell Far-East, a 604 metre swelling on an a ridge overlooking Mungrisdale.

So, we went and had a walk.


Starting from Mungrisdale, we lumbered up the Very Steep start to that ridge, bagged the Far-East top, then the East Top (a deleted Nuttall, apparently), then the top of Bowscale Fell itself, then by a lovely path countouring around the head of the corrie, for Bannerdale Crags with a final flourish on Souther Fell.


So that was three Wainwrights for the pooch and a Synge for me. (yes, I know, the list of hill categories available in Cumbria just goes on and on….).

The day was cold and murky and a bit drizzly at the end. Very much like autumn, in fact. I almost put me gloves on. And, typical of Lake District hills, it was quite busy. But people were friendly and, for some reason, talkative.


And then, on the way home, we bagged a little Tump – one Hutton Roof – a hill which requires almost no effort at all to bag, as long as the bagger can open two gates and isn’t to bothered about traipsing through somebody’s back yard – but that’s where the path goes.


And, as many readers as are bothered will probably have realised by now, I have decided not to enter for the 2016 TGO Challenge. For some reason, the prospect of it seems like a drudge. I just can’t be arsed and I need to move on. I might try for 2017, though, if I can work up some enthusiasm and I’ll probably go to the English gathering in March.


Instead, I’ll probably do the huge pub-crawl between England’s highest pubs. I’m undecided yet whether to do the ten highest or just the four pubs mentioned in a previous post. Three highest pubs has a ring to it, but two are very close together. Four pubs doesn’t have much of a ring, and the fourth highest is Kirkstone Pass. Whereas, the top ten……..

bowscale fell



  1. Nice walkies there Mike, some atmospheric photos too!

  2. The top nine pubs looks like a decent walk but number 10 would be a bit of an extension.

  3. Well if you can think of something else you want to bag while you're over here again in March, let us know.

    Failing that, we could just plan a nice walk to take you on. :)

  4. Just a thought. Why not do the new John Muir Way. Should be very interesting and a few pubs can be encorporated along the route.

  5. Lovely picture of the tarn.


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