Friday 7 August 2015

Teesdale Fellwalking Guided Walk

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On Wednesday, 22 of us, including steward Neville and Diane did this 11 mile Durham County Council guided walk.

It were a bit windy.

It were fairly jolly….   in general terms….

Here’s a few pictures.

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Gathering at Bowlees (Not every body on this picture is going on the walk! Neville’s job (in green) is to collect dosh from those that are)

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Low Force

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Holwick Scar – It’s dolerite, see… intruded into the carboniferous one Thursday afternoon.

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Neville instils a sense of discipline by making the punters walk the plank…

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Feeding time on Crosthwaite Fell

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The wide-open spaces of Crosthwaite Fell

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Walkers making their way towards Middleton in Teesdale on the Pennine Way

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Carreg Caryn (Kirkcarrion)  ------  Oooer… what was that….

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Crosthwaite Fell (Harter Fell) behind. More wide-open spaces.

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Attracted by canoe activity at Low Force… a canoe, a canother canoe…  or a kayak..or sumfink



  1. I am glad that it was fairly jolly, if only in general terms. At least there was plenty of water to watch going by.

  2. A nice looking walk Mike, and in good weather too!

  3. Never mind Kirkcarrion (and what a scary night that was.....), I recognise that whole walk! And hasn't the level of the water in that stream gone down at all since we crossed it??? Tilly didn't moan about wet paws though.


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