Friday 8 May 2015

This Is me and Lucky Off To Try the Coast to Coast Walk

best of teesdale reccy 003

Yes, folks, as the UK finally starts to crack up in the face of a divisive general election and members of the NHS throw themselves off nearby bridges  whilst the TGO challengers arrive at their starting points on the West coast of Scotland, me and Lucky are off to St Bees to have a good old try at walking across England over the next two weeks.

best of teesdale reccy 013

We’ve practised. Lucky has a pack which holds six days food – although this would be far too heavy, so we’ve settled for four days food and my pack is stupidly heavy but should get lighter if I eat all the food in it.

spring gentians in teesdale

We have support visits from family and friends and we have boots and kit and scoff and everything necessary for the setting off….

high force

And tomorrow, we (me and Lucky) are catching the train from Corbridge to St Bees and whatever happens will be down to a combination of luck and determination.


And bugger.

Pics and video taken from recent walks in Teesdale


  1. NIce one Mike. Has lucky mastered the compass yet.

  2. Bon voyage, Lucky! And you too, Mike! Here's hoping for good weather and good walking :)

  3. Good luck to you and Lucky on your C2C walk.... Hope you both enjoy it...

  4. Have a fun time both and good luck, though I doubt you'll need it.

  5. Good luck Lucky - make sure your bloke can keep up with you.

    Best wishes - Heidi :)

  6. Have a fantastic time, Mike and Lucky!

  7. Good luck. I hope to cycle the route one day but I could never walk it.

  8. Good luck with it! I have done it twice now, with 14 years between each one. It is a grand walk, and a you get a great sense of achievement as you drop down into RHB for the celebratory pint.

    I look forward to reading your account of it.


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