Monday 16 March 2015

Hadrian’s Wall – Following in the Footsteps the 14th Cohort of the Silesian Navigators

lucky up a steep bit
It’s probably just a piece of bad luck or mal-chance  that the only section of Hadrian’s Wall constructed by the 14th Cohort of the Silesian Navigators, overconfident, as they were in their ability to comprehend which direction they were pointing in, lies on a heading of 178 degrees – that is to say, almost North-South. Whereas the rest of the wall heads in a different direction. At it’s junction with Emperor Hadrian’s East-West directional concept, it forms an almost perfect T junction – a fact not lost on Lucky the dog who selected this very spot as an ideal place to enjoy a bonio or two whilst I scoffed my cornish pasty and a banana, sheltered as it was from the cutting breeze off the North Sea.
this'll be lovely when it's finished another classic view
14th cohort going the wrong way again
None of the twelve peeps who turned up for the Wednesday-Walkers-Except-It-Was-Saturday group believed me, in fact, when I revealed this newly discovered and , it must be admitted, fairly unlikely archaeological fact as we passed along Hadrian’s Wall between Steel Rigg and Sewingshields – a fine walk by the way, if a bit over-supplied with contours.

retrospect - always good to look back occasionally
lunch at sewingshields
Me and Lucky did the reccy on the Thursday in perishing cold, grey conditions and these only got colder and greyer by Saturday. And in-between, Lucky grounded the knipemobile ooop in the Weardale alps and knocked off the drive shaft, so I was grateful for the lifts from Eric and Diane who went out of their way to collect and deliver me on Saturday. Note how I cleverly transferred all responsibility to the dog by the way and, as it’s an ill-wind etc I was happy to have a post-walk beer or two at Twice Brewed Inn afterwards. (There’s always an up-side). I don’t need the car for a while as I’m off to Wales for a trundle around very shortly..
As for the reccy and the walk – they all went shiveringly well. I used some unmapped boardwalks and permissive routes around Greenlee Lough to make the walk a little bit easier and to add a bit of interest to the relatively dull second half.
14th cohort happy to be somewhere else
Lucky tidied up several lumps of fox-poo and interviewed a dead sheep whilst post snowstorm and thaw, the thirteen of us enjoyed specially slippery mud and extra damp boggy bits.
And there were signs of spring – mainly skylarks, curlew, lapwings and some frog spawn. Plus some trail hounds scaring the pregnant sheep and being watched for by fat blokes in cars from a hugely long distance away – in fact, many of them were looking in the wrong direction. Clearly the descendants of the 14th Cohort.
The walk is 11 miles.
Finally – thanks to The Bro for topping up the virgin money-giving page to a nice, round sum. We like nice, round sums. The only sums we don’t like involve lowest common denominators, fractions and algebra. And the sum of the angles of the two other sides being half of the square of the other thing.  Or whatever it was…
Click on the logo to have your karma topped up!


  1. Lots of contours on that wall. Hope you get the car fixed soon.

  2. I well remember those really steep steps in your first photo, when on the Pennine Way. Not my fav bit of the PW mind - very, very busy & an awful lot of up-and-down.....
    Dixie and I also camped for the night near Greenlee Lough, at one of those Kielder wild camp spots. You might have spotted it on your wander???

  3. Good to see Lucky is now lead climber and looking quietly confident.

  4. Dawn - not too fussd about the car - apparently I can have a bus pass!
    Chrissie - As part of PW, I didn't like it either - too much like hard work for not much distance. I didn't spot the camping pot, but I understand there's a bothy very close by..
    Alan - Trouble is, he thinks a "runner" is an escaping wabbit...

  5. Keep him supplied with a mixture of "chocks". And he won't sling his hook.


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