Saturday 2 August 2014

New Pooch at Pietowers

lucky suspects somebody just mentioned chips

After several visits to the Dog’s Trust establishment at Sadbergh, just the other side of Darlington (damn those North Road roadworks..), I brought the new Piedog/Chauffeur/Deputy Navigator home today and, tomorrow we’ll be doing his first walk  - a couple of easy miles around Tunstall reservoir.

The new dog’s name is “Lucky” (I wouldn’t have picked this name myself, but he seems to answer to it…).

Lucky has an Irish doggy passport, having been born in Limerick just about a year ago.  How he came to be a stray in Darlington is part of his dark and mysterious past.He’s a collie cross and is quite small.

note the yellow dog's trust collar...

His hobbies are  reading, world peace and eating  - actually, it’s just eating, really. He has no etiquette at all when it comes to food and would happily remove it from your possession from your dish or even on it’s short journey between the dish/plate and your mouth. He’s also completely untrained, except that he seems to know that his toilet is outside.

And he’s very very friendly. I suspect that this is probably some kind of survival strategy. A successful strategy so far, in fact.

So, that’s a good thing.

keep still ya bugger

The Dog’s Trust have advised on a training regime but have counselled that he’s too young and indecisive at the moment to make a safe driver but that reverse-navigation conditioning could start almost immediately. Actually, having spent a substantial amount of time in kennels, he’s not very fit just yet, so I’ll be spending a week or two or three building up his walking legs.

Hpefully, Lucky will shortly be embarking on a hillwalking career full of doggy fun and the odd Lancashire cheese butty – all of which will be detailed….detail here.

So, it’s all good.

Here’s a link in case anybody is looking to adopt a dog   darlington dog's trust  


Click on the Mind Logo to donate!!!



  1. He sounds wonderful Mike, I'm so pleased for you, I think he's going to fit in fabulously. Looking forward to all your tales. Tails?

  2. Splendid news....but how long before he can drive?

  3. What a cutey! I'm sure he will be very lucky too, now he's found you :) I think he looks a bit like a collie/Labrador cross. Dixie and Tilly say hi to him, and Dixie also says that she thinks he'll find 'One Man And His Dog' a really good tv programme to put in his favourites, once he's found the tv remote.

  4. That is wonderful news, Mike!
    The very best of luck to you both for some very long walks together for years to come.

  5. He is gorgeous. Lucky you and lucky dog.

  6. So pleased :) He sounds excellent and I bet he thinks he has landed on his feel :)

    Well done to you both. I look forward to hearing about his progress.

  7. So pleased to hear this news Mike. Welcome to Lucky and my best wishes to you both for many wonderful times together. Training'll be no problem. My collie Ragga would willingly perform any task I taught her, then look up at me and say, "ok, that's that ... now, what would you like me to do next". She was a luv.

  8. Lovely little dog Mike.He fell on his paws when he chose you (and he did choose you and not the other way round).Hope to see him out and about in Durham


    Jim (akaGeordie)

  9. He is a bonny looking lad Mike. Really looking forward to see how he gets on. Certainly he has gone to a wonderful home.

  10. Nice to see Mike. He looks a lovely dog.

    Just got back from a week in t'Lakes with my dogs. They were decidely fed-up looking when they arrived back in flatlands.

  11. So glad you have got another pooch. I am sure you will have lots of fun together. He is lovely .

    Sue R

  12. Well done for rescuing Lucky. If only more did this.

  13. Lucky looks like a super little dog. You could always pretend he was named after a Kylie Minogue song?

    Reuben was called Tigger when we picked him up from the dog shelter. I thought that there was no name I was going to call him that in the park. Mind you he also responds to Susan...........

  14. Greetings to a very lucky pup! Best wishes for many happy miles, Mike!


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