Wednesday 9 July 2014

Cocklaw Fell to Kentmere Pike

if you want yr pics to have a bit of movement, put any figures in the left half. just a tip, there

There’s a lonely Birkett up by Sadgill called Cocklaw Fell, my very last Birkett tick in the Eastern fells and so, despite dire prognostications concerning thunderstorms and buffeting, me, The Bro and Ria set off from Sadgill to bag it, finding £1.11p on the road on the way. If anybody has lost £1.11p, they can apply to me for it’s return. Otherwise I’m keeping it along with other loose change to be donated to Mind whenever the bottle is full. If it is yours, send a cheque or postal order to Pietowers for £5 and you can have it back.

longsleddale from harold shipman knotts

herdy thinks Ria is her mum. But she isn't.

Cocklaw Fell itself is a small lump on the other side of a little bog full of Northern Marsh Orchids and Bog Asphodel. I doubt if many people go there.

After this we had a walk over Shipman Knotts (as a founder member of the Harold Shipman lookalike club, this was a bit of a pilgrimage for me) and then Kentmere Pike where it was sunny and a bit windy but not in a buffeting kind of way at all.

one of wren gills many holes

We descended by Wren Gill, a fascinating place full of holes and waterfalls and old industrial stuff in general – I think I should return here at some point for a good old full-day of radging around – probably with a headlight and a helmet, I should think.

ill bell, froswick ridge.

Oh yes, the other thing that happened was that we spotted Blackpool Tower from Shipman Knotts. This was too far away to come out on a picture, so I took a pic of Ill Bell instead.

And that was that.

I believe we did seven and a half miles and about 2300 feet of uphill.

It were grand.

Here’s a map.

kentmere pike


lick logo to donate!! (sorry, I meant “click” logo, licking the logo will have little effect unless your screen is very dirty in which case you might get poorly. Or something.) (sorry) (whoops!)

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If your comment has any external links at all it won't be published.... just sayin'