Monday 16 June 2014

Druridge Bay Again

Dawn marches North!

Never go to Druridge Bay without a dog, this is my advice. In fact, it should be a rule. Nobody should be allowed on Druridge Bay beach without a dog.

I met Dawn today at Cresswell. She’d come up from That London to walk the Northumberland Coast path to Berwick and I’d agreed to walk with her for a bit.

druridge defences

Now whilst I love Dawn dearly, a walk up and down the huge and specially beautiful Druridge Bay beach was a bit too raw for me at the moment and avid readers will remember the walk me and Mick had a few weeks ago with his three little (very little) pooches and Bruno and  his footballs/bucket list thing. This stuff is quite painful…

I must stop going on about losing my dog. It does nobody any good and , I expect , that the only resolution to the issue is to get another dog. But it’s quite hard. I would never have planned another walk at Druridge with the benefit of hindsight. But on the other hand, the wind and the blowing sand, and the spray off the lively surf and the big horizons……

biiig beach

However – back to the plot – I parked neatly at the Druridge Bay visitor centre and wandered, barefoot down the five or six miles of hard sand and specially wonderful beach to Cresswell where I had a bacon butty and a cuppa  at the Drift cafe, which was specially nice in a special kind of way.

padding at Dawn... dhuhh... Dawn Paddling..

Then I wandered about a bit, exploring various beaches, till Dawn arrived on the over-exciting bus from Ashington, which seemed to be about fifteen minutes early, but still unwilling to stop for things such as letting passengers on and  letting passengers off. Dawn somehow managed to get off the bus and, after a snack at the Drift cafe,  we wandered back the six or so miles of wonderful beach back to the visitor centre.

At this very moment, Dawn is sleeping somewhat discreetly a bit North of Amble and will likely progress successfully the 60 miles or so remaining to Berwick on Tweed.

there ought to be a dog in this pic

As for me, the lack of a canine companion in the form of the ever-friendly and somewhat souped-up Superdawg is increasingly raw. I am not happy at all. In fact I am bereft. The excessively beautiful Druridge Bay only made the feeling worse. I’m going to have to get a dog quite soon……… this sand just calls out for a rampant pooch and a slowly-deflating football and a bark and a paddle in the cold sea…


  1. You,Dawn AND blue sky, surely Photoshop in action.

  2. Losing a pet is always so hard, you have my sympathies and virtual hugs, (even though I don't know you... but dog people stick together).

  3. Aaww, Mike... xxx

  4. I am sure Superdawg would love you to go get another dog for companionship when walking. He may be gone but I am sure he will still be walking at the side of you. Just don't go with the intention of comparisons it doesn't work go for a dog completely different


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