Thursday 1 May 2014

39 Years Later - The Final Wainwright Outlying Fell

doomed stick

On the 8th of May 1975 I bagged my first Wainwright Outlying Fell, not knowing that it was a Wainwright Outlying Fell. I’m not sure that I was much aware of the Wainwrights generally although I did have a copy of Alf’s guide to the Pennine Way which I got after a lunchtime boozing session in the Ship Inn in Skipton following a week booking casualties in and playing monopoly with nurses in the A&E department at Airedale General Hospital. Monday lunchtimes were the new Saturday nights after such a shift.

tail's up anyway

Hennyway, Whatshaw Common was bagged on a walk from Skipton to Ambleside with the bro. This was a remarkable walk in that we stayed in pubs and B&Bs and I managed to put half a stone in weight on during the week.

On 30 April 2014, in company with my stickocidal pal Bruno, I bagged Irton Pike. The final Wainwright Outlying Fell. That’s a record time of 38.98 years (Lets just say 39, eh?)

The main Wainwright Fells took me from 24 September 1972 (Helvellyn) till 13 April 1991 (Barf) – some 18.54 years. Quite speedy in comparison.

akto plus basha

Irton Pike was bagged after setting up the akto on the Old Post Office campsite (nice campsite by the way…) at Santon Bridge and following a couple of beers and a beef sandwich with a bowl of chips at The Bridge Inn. So it was mid afternoon when we set off and half two when we got to the top and had no company and no view apart from the fog. We had a little strollette along the ridge for a bit, Bruno bounced around a bit (I’ve not told him that he’s ill) and chased some sticks and destroyed some other sticks but we didn’t really stetch ourselves much.

bruno on the top

We returned to the tent for a cuppa and a snooze (theme developing here…) and, later, made  the enormously short journey to The Bridge for more jinkies in celebration.

And that was that. It was raining Thursday morning, so we came home.

strolletting in the mist

Bruno likes snoozing in tents, so we’re off again Friday afternoon for more jollies.  My daughter’s comments on facebook, refering to the trouble Bruno is in, suggests a Bruno Bucket List. I think this is a crackin’ idea and I’m planning a beach day including avoiding cold, salty waves, completely destroying a cheapo plastic football, and running around in circles barking.


You have to make the most of things but then, in the immortal words of William (Billy) Malkinson who shuffled off his mortal coil and went to meet his Maker nearly at the top of the road up Irton Pike in February 1886 -  “Be Ye Also Ready”.  Wise words, if a bit miserable.


  1. We haven't told Dixie she's old, either. I sometimes think we have a lot to learn from our doggies. :)

  2. Congratulations Mike, no point rushing things!
    Good to see Bruno is out and about.

  3. I think what that epitaph means is something like Marcus Aurelius once said:
    'Live not one's life as though one had a thousand years, but live each day as the last.'
    Which to me means that we should not 'waste' time as we've only a limited time on the Earth. That's not too grim, even though I sometimes think of it like that too.

  4. They have some nice beers in the Bridge and sometimes the clientele sat at the bar is well known to most Wainwright fans. I say no more.
    Great place to celebrate your fantastic achievement.

  5. Wot Julia Bradbury drinks in their?!

  6. Congratulations Mike and spend time out with Bruno.

  7. Congratulations Mike, well done. Glad to see Bruno is still enjoying his camping.


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