Friday 21 March 2014

Pictures of Brownber (Made My Life So Wonderful)(Apols to Lily and The Who)

There’ll likely be a bity of a hiatus on the pieblog till I do my next walk – actually, it’s tomorrow, but as it’s a reccy of a guided walk, I won;t write anything about it till I do the walk – which is next week…

Soooooo…. being at a loose end, and avoiding sorting out my laundry etc or dooing anything energetic… For anybody really interested in Brownber Edge (You know who you are!) here’s a few pictures


Picture taken from Dufton Pike – Brownber is the top on the left. We climbed from the valley to the right of it, following the wall.


Same pic, different light


I think this is Brownber Edge! (Its been a long time)


Looking east from Brownber


Tree trunk fossils thingies (there’s a name for these, but it escapes me)


Gritstone edges

high cup nick 

High Cup Nick

I climbed Brownber and Dufton Pike and then over to High Cup Nick on 2 Feb 2007 and it’s a bit of a miracle that the pictures survive – they’re now on their third computer,I think….




  1. Thank you Mike for this and your PM on the walking forum, it is most appreciated. I take it that you climbed Brownber Hill beside the wall in your third photo or am I getting the route you took mixed up?

  2. I'm fairly sure we went up by that wall. There looks to be some tracks, but I can't remember the detail. It was a slog but not stupidly steep!

  3. some nice camping spots by the looks of it Mike.

  4. That high cup nick looks like it's red sandstone (but might be a red sunset). When I saw it first I thought about Arizona or even the sandstones in the Orkneys.
    I for one would have enjoyed also some photos of the laundry being sorted. Piles of sock and dark-coloured shirts and that would have been an all right post.

  5. Some quite good camping spots as it happens, dawn - and even a bothy, albeit a bit of a driech spot.
    Reifyn - Sunset at High Cup Nick. Its not usually that colour! And neither is my laundry...maybe I could make an art work from my soxandundies.


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