Monday 3 March 2014

Monster Bike and Hike the Great Glen for Maggie’s Centres



Right, this me off on another camping/walking and sheltering from a huge storm trip with Dawn (I hope you’re not planning any significant walking whilst we’re doing this cos our record of attracting really duff weather recently has been second to none and you wouldn’t want to get as wet as us, now would you?)

In the meantime, I’m more than gruntled, almost over-chuffed, in fact to let you know about this Monster Bike and Hike up an enormous number of miles up the Great Glen – 31 miles on a bike, then either 9, 23 or 41 miles on foot…  (gasp!). This is, of course, ideal for anybody who wants to bag the Great Glen Way in one huge lump.

The cause is Maggie’s centres.

This is a direct quote from their website, for anybody interested in what they do:

How Maggie’s can help

Maggie’s offers free practical, emotional and social support to people with cancer and their families and friends. Help is offered freely to anyone with any type of cancer. Simply drop-in at any time - you’re always welcome.

So, that pretty much explains what it’s all about.

There are 14 Maggie’s centres around the UK with a further 5 planned or in development.

Some pics from a previous Monster Bike and Hike:



Here’s their website

Maggie's Centres website

and here’s the Monster Bike and Hike website for all the fax and info on registration and so on and so on – just click the link and all is explained.

Maggie's Monster Bike and Hike

I’ll leave this with you and head out into yet another Atlantic storm. How wet will we get? Will I lose my rice pudding (I lost my rice pudding up the Moffat Hills by the way) and will my car lights still be on when I get back from the Shap fells?



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